Chapter 13

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Wake up!"

Alexis woke up frightened. Her head was still groggy and her vision was a bit fuzzy. That accent.


"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty. Daddy will be here any second now."

"Trevor...?" Alexis blinked her eyes a few times and could see him standing in front of her. She could feel her hands in cuffs behind her back. "You were supposed to be my friend. I-I trusted you-"

"You honestly thought I was your friend? I really thought you were smarter than that! I was actually afraid you were going to figure it out." He shrugged and sat down in a chair opposite her. "Guess I was wrong."

Her head was still spinning. She could barely grasp what all was happening. "S-so... You're working for-"

"Your father, yes. Jesus, you're slow. I have been for a while." Trevor looked at her for a moment, his eyes boring into hers. He walked over to her and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Your father was right about one thing, you are very, very beautiful."

Alexis turned her head and spat at him. He took a few steps back and glared at her, wiping the spit from his face. "Oh, you're gonna get it now, sweetheart." He picked her up by the collar of her shirt and slapped her hard.

"Put her down." A deep voice growled behind him. Trevor turned around and looked straight into a pistol. Sherlock pressed it hard against his forehead, the expression on his face absolutely terrifying. "Put her down, now." Trevor dropped her and she crashed onto the floor, curling into a small ball. "Now, run home to your boss and tell him Sherlock is here for him." Trevor nodded quickly and bolted around Sherlock and out the door.

He bent down and pulled a key from his pocket, unlocking Alexis' hand cuffs. "How are you feeling? Christ, your cheek... Did they hurt you anymore?"

Alexis leapt forward and wrapped her arms around Sherlock, tears falling down her face. "I've been so bloody worried about you..." She choked out, her face buried into Sherlock's neck.

Sherlock closed his eyes and hugged her back, stroking her hair with one hand. "I've been fine. I promise." He pulled back and wiped a few tears off her face. "But we can catch up later. Right now, we have to get you out of here."

He helped her up, her knees buckling under her. "I-I can't walk... They drugged me, and it hasn't fully worn off yet."

Sherlock scooped her up bridal style and carried her out the door. "Does anyone know you've been taken? Did Molly see?"

"No, I... They were all asleep when I left." Alexis replied, watching Sherlock's face carefully.

"They? Who all was there?"

"Molly, Greg, John-"

"John?" Sherlock whispered, worry coating his voice. "He's alright, isn't he?"

"He's worried sick about you. He's been searching for you for days.." Alexis replied. She tried to keep her voice positive, so she didn't discourage Sherlock. "Greg even called Mycroft and he's been helping. We've all been looking for you."

Sherlock stared straight ahead as he walked through a maze of hallways. "I didn't know I was causing so much trouble..." His voice was low and his jaw was clenched. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. We all care about you... I shouldn't have dragged any of you into this... He's my dad. He wants me back.." Alexis looked up at Sherlock, her face serious. "Why don't you just give him what he wants? It would be so much easier, and everything would be resolved, and no one would get hurt, and-"

"I'm not letting him trap you again." Sherlock interrupted, still facing forward. "You have such a beautiful mind and such potential..." He glanced down at her long enough for her to see the sincerity in his eyes. "I'll keep you safe, Alexis. I'll do whatever it takes."

She looked down at her shoes. She was completely at a loss for words.

They were quiet for a few minutes until Alexis broke the silence. "So... where exactly are we going?"

"We're going to find Moriarty and put an end to his operation. He's been planning big things, but losing you has been distracting h-" Sherlock stopped dead in his tracks as they entered a little office. "He... he should be in here..." He set Alexis down in a chair and looked around. Alexis looked at the small desk and found a note.

"Sh-sherlock..?" She held up the small note, her hand shaking a bit. "What does this mean?"

Gone to see my kitten. Vatican Cameos, dearest Sherlock. JM xx.

Sherlock's eyes widened as he scooped up Alexis. "What's going on? What does it mean? Where are we going?" Alexis asked as they ran down the hallways.

"We have to go back." Sherlock said, his eyes filled with fear. "We have to save Molly."

My Father's Daughter: The Story of Alexis MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now