Chapter 5

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(I would just like to point out that from this chapter forward, it will be based heavily on the events of season 3. So, yes. There will be spoilers. If you haven't seen season 3 in it's entirety, and don't want to ruin it, I suggest you wait to read any further.


"What do you mean you won't be seeing me for a while?" Alexis asked worriedly into the phone. This was how she had communicated with Sherlock for weeks. Usually he just texted her, but this time he actually gave her a ring. "I haven't seen you in almost a month, and now you say you're leaving the country?!"

"I'm sorry... something's come up. I messed up, and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it." Sherlock talked quietly into the phone. "I have to go. Stay out of trouble, okay?"

"But-" Sherlock hung up and Alexis shoved her phone into her pocket. She continued down the street and frowned at her shoes. She didn't understand, and it made her angry that she was completely clueless. She walked into the coffee shop and waited for Trevor.

"Hello, Alexis. The usual?" The lady behind the counter asked her with a smile.

"Yes, please, Maggie. Trevor will be here soon, too, so you might as well get his started as well." Alexis smiled a bit at her and closed her eyes. Her mind was moving at a hundred miles per hour, and she tried to collect her thoughts. Sherlock was working on a case, but he never told her what it was about. Is that why he's having to leave? She sighed and opened her eyes to Trevor sitting in front of her.

"God!" She jumped a bit and shook her head. "Don't do that!"

Trevor laughed and smiled at her. "You seemed deep in thought. I didn't want to interrupt." Alexis hit his shoulder across the table and he laughed again. "So, what's the scoop this week? Do anything interesting?"

Alexis leaned back a bit in her chair and smirked. "I freaked Molly out on Wednesday. I mixed a few things around in Toby's food and it made him pass out for about thirty minutes. She thought he was dead." Trevor bursted out laughing and Alexis grinned ear to ear. "That's not even the best part! She was about to bury him! I felt kind of bad because she was crying pretty hard. She was putting him in a box, and he meowed at her. She screamed and chased me around the flat."

"That's brilliant!" Trevor couldn't stop laughing and had to put his head down on the table. "Okay, you've got me beat. I just threw a red sock in my aunt's wash."

"Alexis and Trevor! Coffee's ready!" Maggie grinned at them both as they walked up to the counter. Trevor laid his money on the counter and Alexis reached into her pocket for some pounds. "Oh, Alexis. Your coffee was paid for by that man over there..." Maggie nodded towards a dark figure in the corner. He was wearing a black hoodie and had the hood pulled up over his head, so they couldn't see his face. Alexis looked back at Maggie and she shrugged. "Hey, free coffee, right?" She smiled and walked back over to the register to help another customer.

"That's kind of weird... Do you know that guy?" Trevor asked her as they sat back down at their table.

"Did I know you when you bought me a cookie?" Alexis asked. She glanced back over at the man for a second before looking back at Trevor. "Idunno. We probably shouldn't bother him..."

"Agreed." Trevor took a drink from his coffee and cocked his head to the side a bit. "So, what's up. You seemed pretty upset when I came in."

"It's just...." Alexis looked out the window. "My... friend. Is just all of a sudden leaving the country. No warning. He called me as I was walking here. I don't even know what's going on or if he's going to be okay or anything... I'm really worr-"

"Oh dear god." The Maggie dropped the cup in her hand as she looked at the telly. Everyone else in the shop gasped as a man's face came on, repeating the same four words over and over again.

Did you miss me?

Alexis dropped her drink and bolted out the door. She ran down the street and stopped dead in her tracks. All over the big screens, everywhere. Her dad. She dropped to her knees as tears started to roll down her cheeks. He's alive? He's alive.

She felt a hand rest on her shoulder and looked up behind her, expecting it to be Trevor. But it wasn't. The man from the coffee shop was looking up at the screens. Jim Moriarty took his hood off and smiled down at Alexis. "Hello, Lex."

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