Chapter 6

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Alexis bolted up right. It was just a dream. She hopped out of her bed and padded down the hall to her bookshelf. She picked out a book and sat in her chair before she even realized.

I'm not at Molly's.

I'm back at the cottage.

"Good morning." Jim sung softly, carrying a tea tray. He sat in the chair across from her and set the tray on the coffee table. "How are you feeling?"

"How did I get here?" She asked staring wide eyed at her father.

Jim dropped two sugars into his tea and sat back in the chair. "You passed out right there in the street. Called a cab and brought you back home." He took a small sip and looked at her. "What were you doing in London? Who was that boy? I got so worried when I came back here... and you were gone."

Alexis swallowed hard as tears started to fall down her cheeks. "You were dead." She choked out. She closed her eyes and tried to hold back her sobs. "Two years, Dad. Two years."

"I know, Lex... I know..."

"Why?" Alexis opened her eyes and glared at her dad. "Why did you leave. How could you just leave me like that?! No warning! No, 'oh hey, Lex! I'll be gone for two bloody years!' How could you do that to me?!"

"Alexis, listen to me." Jim set his tea on the table and leaned forward on his knees. "I'm sorry. I am. It couldn't be helped, I did what I had to, you know that. It was a last resort, I didn't think I would have to fake my death, but I did." Jim sighed and flopped backward into the chair. "And it didn't even work, because Sherlock faked his death too!"

"Where is Sherlock? Did you... Did you do something to him?" Alexis asked timidly.

Jim narrowed his eyes at his daughter. "What?" He leaned forwards and stared at her. "Are you asking about Sherlock Holmes?"

"I-I just... He told me he had to leave the country a-and..."

"Hold on a moment." Jim stood up and walked over to Alexis. "He's why you were in London. You were with him?"

"No, I. I was staying with Molly Hooper." Alexis swallowed hard and looked up at her dad. Something had changed. He was cold. His eyes were dark. "Sh-Sherlock found me here about two months ago. I've been staying with Molly. I promise, that's all. They've been nothing but kind to me, and-"

"We have to move you. We have to leave." Jim grabbed her arms and pulled her out of the chair. "I'll take you back to Dublin. You can stay with Sebastian."

"No!" Alexis yanked her arm away from her dad. "N-no, dad. I don't want to leave."

Jim looked down at her with wide eyes. "You have to Alexis. They've found you, I have to keep you safe."

"I am safe! I'm with Molly! I can't just leave her! She's my friend. And I have Trevor, the boy from the coffee shop! He's my friend too, I can't just leave them. And Sherlock..."

Jim growled, taking a step closer to her. "Sherlock Holmes is not your friend, Alexis. Sherlock Holmes is no one's friend but his own. He doesn't care about you. None of them care about you. They exposed you. Brought you out into the world so they can keep tabs on you. So they can make sure you're right where they want you to be."

Alexis shook her head. "You're wrong. You've changed." She shook her head harder and took a step back. "I don't even know who you are. Since when have you talked to me like this?"

"Since you've started making stupid mistakes." Jim spit angrily. "We aren't normal people, Alexis. You're not just any girl on the street who can go out and make friends. You're special. And you have to stay safe. You can't be stupid, going around and making friends."

"You're wrong!" Alexis bolted out the door. She pulled out her phone and called the first person she can think of to help her.

"Sh-sherlock?" She turned behind her and watched her dad burst through the door after her. "Sherlock, please. I need your help!"

"Alexis Anne Moriarty, you come back here right now." Jim shouted as he chased after his daughter. Alexis didn't look back, she kept running.

"Sherlock, please, I need you. PLEASE." Another voicemail. She had left five so far. She tripped on a tree root and twisted her ankle. She lied on the ground as tears fell from her eyes.

"Alexis!" Jim rushed up to her and picked her up. "Come on. You'll be safe. I'll keep you safe. My little girl."

She pulled out her phone and sent one last plea to Sherlock.

Please. -A

My Father's Daughter: The Story of Alexis MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now