A problem is arising...

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The group arrived back home, they laid Blueberry on the sofa, everyone was worried about him, they had no idea what was in the syringe so they had no idea if it was dangerous or not. Murder sat in the floor next to him, Blueberry kinda reminded him of Papyrus and he wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. There was no way that he would lose him too. "Hey Murder, you ok? Do you want me to take over?" Geno asked, a worried look on his face. "Wha- no, I'm fine I can stay(yawn) here with Blue." "Go to bed, I'll take over, you're tired." "Fine fine I'm going!" Murder walked up the stairs to one of the spare rooms, and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. "Geno, Dream, go to bed, I'm a God I don't need sleep." "Ink. I don't need sleep either, I'm in charge of dreams, I need to stay awake." "Well I'm going to bed, seeya in the morning you two!" Geno teleported to his spare room. And fell asleep after a few seconds. Dream and Ink sat on the floor together and chatted about stuff, Dream told Ink the story of his home and how he had to fight his brother and was turned to stone, Ink told Dream stories of how he came up with ideas for AUs and how many there actually were, until they felt movement behind them, Blueberry was awake! "Berry!" "Omg you're ok!?!" "Dream, get the others!" "On it!" Dream ran up the stairs and got Murder and Geno. "Berry? Are you ok? How do you feel?" Ink questioned, "...I'm fine I think? I feel a bit dizzy?" Murder literally jumped down the stairs, "OHMYGOSHAREYOUOK?!?" Blue nodded, feeling more dizzy. Geno came out of his room, still half asleep. "Hey(yawn) guys..." He almost fell over and Dream had to take him back to bed. "I think I can stand now..." Blueberry tried to get up, but struggled, Murder grabbed him with his magic and helped him stand, even then Blueberry almost fell over from dizziness. Ink shot a look at Murder and Murder put him down immediately, "Do you have any idea what could've been in that syringe? Since ya know, you've known Error the longest." Ink shook his head, "I don't know, if I found out where Error got it then it might help..." "Ink... I know where Error got the syringe." Ink looked over, trying to hide his excitement, failing miserably since he threw up ink? Paint? Paint.( IDK don't judge me)Since he threw up paint. "Uh... He said something about stealing it from Sci." "Then we'll go to Sci immediately! Come on!" "What about Blue? Someone needs to stay." "You can! Ok, bye!" Ink opened a portal to sciencetale????? (Sorry if this is wrong) and dragged Dream through with him.
Murder looked at Blue, he just smiled back innocently, Blue started asking questions about his AU and soon enough they were telling stories of their AU to each other. It had been a few hours since Dream and Ink left, Murder went out of the room to call them and to check on Geno, he could get ill easily and have to stay in bed for a while. "Hey Geno..." Geno was asleep so Murder backed out of the room and called Ink.
"Hey Murder!" "Hey, where are you guys, it's been a while..." "Sorry, Sci said that he needed to find the recipe and then he can find the cure, so we'll be a while..." "It fine, just tell me when you're coming back." "I will, oh I think Sci's found something! Got to go, bye!"
Murder walked downstairs and saw Blueberry on the floor, crying. "Blue?!? Oh no no no! What happened?!?"He didn't reply, "Blue? Please answer me! Please!" He still didn't reply, "Geno! Get down here quick!?!" Geno teleported into the room, "What happened?!? No, not again..." Murder looked up confused, "what do you mean not again?" "Don't worry about that now, we need to get him to Sci. Now!" Geno picked up his phone and called Dream.
"Hi Geno-" "Get Ink to open a portal now!" "Wha-" "Its urgent!" "Ok"
A portal opened up, Murder picked up Blue and carried him through with Geno close behind "What happened?" "I don't know, Murder?" "I came downstairs after checking on Geno and I found him like this." "H-hey guys! I found the recipe..." Sci stopped in his tracks. "A-are w-we too late?!? No-no I can't have failed again!!!" Ink patted his shoulder, "Geno knows something about this. Tell them." "Ok, well Error did something like this before, to the Papyrus and Undyne of his old universe before it became corrupted. I'm not sure where he got the syringes from, or if he even used syringes, it started as dizziness then it became worse, they suffered lots of pain as they slowly became glitches, both were mad and wanted every Sans dead, Papyrus didn't want to but Undyne convinced him to kill, they went around and kidnapped many Sans' and killed them, they tried to kill me but when they realised that I couldn't die, they gave up and left." "Then they came to me and commanded me to find an antidote, I had to do it or else they would have killed Paps." ( Blueberry is still suffering in the background while they're talking, poor Blueberry) "Guys..." Dream looked over to Blueberry, he had a pained look on his face. "Guys..." No one heard him, "GUYS!" Murder and Geno looked mad, Ink looked worried and Science looked startled, "What is it Dream..?" Dream looked over to Blueberry who was still in pain, "oh... Oh no!" Ink rushed over, "Blue?!? Can you hear me?!?" He tried to nod but stopped due to the pain rushing through his body, "Alright I have an idea, this would always make Papyrus feel better... Blue where does it hurt the most?" He tried to point to his head, "Alright, ok, (smooch) does that help?" Blueberry sat up, his entire skull was blue with blush, he nodded a yes and got back on the sofa. Ink had a slight mad look on his face,(#Blink, I'm doing this for u LoLEmX , hope ur happy) while Geno and Dream were confused but not at the same time. Trying to hide his jealousy, Ink walked away to his room and locked the door, How could he do that?!? I love him more than that murderer ever will! If he thinks that he can have MY Blueberry, then he's wrong and this means WAR!!!!!!!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi guys, in case u didn't know Blink is BlueberryxInk, my friend LoLEmX and I did this thing in our group where everyone is an AU sans, my other friend Waddles234 and Themarchwolf (they're the same person) is Ink LoLEmX is Fresh and I'm Blueberry (there are more of us, they don't have Wattpad sooo yeah,) and because Themarchwolf is like a sister to me ( we've known each other since primary, and we were like sisters then) we act not like friends but like family and then because she acts that way LoLEmX starts shipping us! IDEK! And so that becomes the ship known as Blink, oh and since we're on the subject, LoLEmX and I are writing a story on Blink so go check it out, though there aren't many chapters right now. Any way before this becomes longer than it needs to be, see ya in the next chapter.

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