Telling them

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Geno lay on a sofa, secretly recording the meeting that was going on in front of him on his phone. Thankfully, they all thought that he was asleep and could easily pretend that he had a bad dream if he was caught. It finished suddenly and Geno ended the recording and closed his eyes , pretending to be asleep. He felt someone stop in front of him. "Geno? Are you awake?" It was Reaper, "Ugh... Reaper... What you want?" "Can I have a chat with you, in private?" Geno stood up slowly to make himself look hurt, "Ok" Reaper led him outside of the base, "Ok, I know what you're up to, Geno, you're not actually hurt, you're faking it! But what you're doing is brave, one slip up and you're as good as dead. So I'm here to help you! I've figured out what Murder and you did and I want to join you as well, so I'm willing to help in any way that I can!" Geno almost freaked out, "This isn't some stupid plan to show your friends that I'm faking everything, is it?" "No, I promise you it's not, and you know us Sans' don't toss that word around, plus I couldn't let the love of my life get hurt now can I?" While the two of them were having their conversation, Cross followed Reaper and called Error, Nightmare and Horror to come and listen. All four of them stood there and listened to the entire conversation including Reaper's confession. "That son of a-" "Shhh Error, we need to find out more..." "You... Love me?!? Holy shit ok! Wasn't expecting this!" "Come on let's just get you back to your friends since you already have the meeting on your phone and you don't want to lose that." Reaper teleported himself and Geno to their home. "I guess we're here."
When they arrived, Ink took Dream upstairs, he was going to confess. Sci went into a lab that Ink made for him in the basement and Blueberry and Murder snuggled on the sofa. "Hey Blue? "Yeah?" "You know I love you, right?" "Of course,silly! How could I forget, especially since I love you back!" "And you know I'll always protect you?" "What do you need to protect me from?" "Error and his friends..." Geno and Reaper suddenly appeared in the room, "I guess we're here." "Geno? What are you doing here?!?" "I've got all the info that we need! Right here, on my phone." "Hey guys... Oh Geno hi!" Ink and Dream came downstairs holding hands, it took one look for Ink to bring Dream closer for protection. "What is he doing here?"  "Calm down Ink, Reaper means no harm, in fact he brought me back and he wants to help." "Fine..." "Geno, Dream I-I need to ha-ve a-a word with you t-two..." "Sure, here look at this while I'm gone, thanks." He throws his phone to Ink who catches it. "Come on, Dream." Dream pulls out of Ink's grip and follows Geno and Sci. "What was that about?" Nothing, that you care about!" "Ink, stop having a tantrum and let's look at the info that we've got."
They followed Sci to the lab, "I don't think you're gonna be happy about it, but what I'm about to tell you must never be said to Blue, o-ok?" "Uh..." "Why can't Blue know? Haven't you already told him?" "P-please Dream, j-just don't tell him a-anything." "Ok..." They walked for what seemed like for ever in silence until they finally reached the lab. "Come in." They walked through and Sci led them to a small demonstration room. "So, uh, oh gosh," "Take your time Sci." "Ok, so I was doing some research and I found out that you were right Geno, about the syringe turning monsters into glitches, but-but if their soul's n-not strong e-enough to handle the new change then-then they'll b-become d-dust."  They froze, Blueberry was as good as dead, "Please tell me there's a way to cure this." "I'm so so sorry but I haven't found one yet, but I'll keep trying even if it means sleepless nights!" Dream stayed silent, his best friend was going to die, and he could do nothing about it. The tears started falling, there was no point in holding them back, "Dream, hey, hey don't cry we'll find a way to cure him!" "But what if we don't, it will never be the same again!" The tears were really coming, Sci and Geno hugged him as he cried.
"So this is all of their plans in one video?" "Yeah, we discussed the whole plan and adjusted it, like a plan B in case plan A didn't work."
"Hey shut it and let's begin! So we completed about a quarter of the plan, but we need a backup plan, any ideas?" "Do you have any more syringes? Cause if we do, we could use it on another Sans just in case it backfires on Underswap." "No, we don't have anymore, we did have three but I used two on my stupid brother and his friend and then the last one on Blueberry, besides it won't fail, I gave him the strongest one out of them all." "Fine!" "So what do we do? We have nothing else to do really." "We wait until I say so but at night, we go to their house, take Blueberry to the Anti-void and leave him there until he becomes a glitch!" "Sounds good to me!" "Same here!" "Perfect we'll just wait until the perfect moment... You're all dismissed!"
"Yeah, they can tend to go a bit overboard..."  "We need to stay with him at all times now." "Well since we're a thing, we sleep together, I can protect him then." "And the rest of us can protect him during the day." They walked out of the room, "You were taking a long time in there, are you done?" "Yeah, Sweetie, we're done." "Perfect! We can make tacos now!" Murder and Blueberry walked to the kitchen to make their tacos when Dream, Sci and Geno came back upstairs. Ink and Reaper explained what the plan was, "Oh come on! I literally just found out that he might die and now he's gonna get kidnapped!"
"Right, let's make some tacos! Wait, do you even know how?" "Uh... No..." "It's fine, I can teach you!" The two of them had fun, Blueberry would tell Murder what he needed to do and would help if he was doing it wrong. Soon they had made some tacos. "These are the best I've made so far!" "Maybe we should let the others try some?" "That sounds like a good idea!" The others had a taco each, they all knew that Blue's cooking wasn't the best so they were slightly scared, but they weren't that bad. "Hey, do you know what would be even better? Tacos and a movie!" "Yeah!" Ink grabbed a few films out of nowhere, "So which one?" "How about we watch all of them, a movie marathon." They nodded in agreement, they settled on the sofa Blueberry and Murder sat together, Ink and Dream sat together and Geno and Reaper and Sci sat together. (Le time skip to after the movie marathon) "I think it's time we went to bed." "Yeah but I don't have one." "We can share mine." "Or you could sleep in Ink's or Dream's rooms since look." They look over and noticed Dream wrapped in Ink's arms both of them asleep. "I'll be fine in Geno's room, don't want to make them angry." "K, well I'll take my muffin to his room, night guys."
"Night!" "Night!"  He carried a sleeping Blueberry to his bedroom. "Goodnight my blueberry muffin..."

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