The confession

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It had been a few days since Sci had joined the group, there had been a few slight changes, Murder had become extremely overprotective of you know who, Blueberry was quieter than usual, Dream was worried almost all of the time and Ink acted differently overall (Sci acted the same). "Ok, we need a plan on how we find Error and his group of 'friends' " "But we don't know how to find any of them..." Geno walked into the room, "I have an idea but you're not going to like it." Ink came in, a grumpy look on his face, "We're all here, just tell us!" "Jeez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, anyway Error, believe it or not was a good brother, he would always be the first to my side if was in pain, so if I pretend to be hurt he could take me back to his base and I could give you guys some inside info." They all nodded their heads, "If this works then... I don't know... I guess I'll be proud of you????" "Ok so go out for a bit and I'll lie on the ground and pretend, you can come back in after they take me back." "We'll go to a park or something, I'll get Blue." Murder ran out the room and carried a Blueberry on his back, "I'm ready to go!" Blue nodded his head in agreement, "I'm ready!" Dream cried, "I'm ready to go..." "...ready..." The group teleported to a park in Undertale since they were all welcome there.
Geno waited a bit then grabbed a knife from the kitchen and cut his wrist so that blood stained the knife. He wiped off the blood from his cut and set down the knife on the ground and laid on the ground and called Error's phone
Geno?!? What's wrong?!? Are you hurt?!?
Y-yeah, the other s-sans' at-ttacked me
Those bitches! Why?!? Why would they hurt you?!?
B-because we-we're related, and t-they think I'll act l-like you...
Don't worry I'm on my way! Do you want me to get mum?
N-no! Ow! Don't worry her about me
K, I'm here.
Error busted down the door and saw his brother on the floor with a blood stained knife next to him "Geno! Oh God! Did they stab you?!? Who did this?!?" "All of them, please just take me to your base, I can help once I've healed..." Error nodded and held his brother in his arms, they teleported to Dreamtale where the 'bad' sans' waited.
Dream and Blue ran off to play in the park, no one else was there so they had the whole thing to theirselves, Sci ran after them to make sure that Blue was ok. Murder walked over to swings and signalled to Ink to join him. He reluctantly followed, "So what did you want?" "I wanted to ask if you were ok, I mean you've been acting different especially around me, have I done something wrong? Do you not trust me?" "What? No I do trust you it just... I don't know how to say this without sounding stupid... I've had a crush on Blue and when you kissed him the other day..." "You don't have to explain it. You love him then I kiss him and now I seem like a threat to your love life. It's ok I understand but, you're probably gonna hate me..." "You have a crush on him too, I know he's too innocent and cute! Don't worry, I've realised what a jerk I've been and I've also realised that he might not like me that way so I have another crush, just in case something like this happened." "Ok, let me guess... Dream!" "How did you?!?" "Listen, first off confess your feelings because he has a crush on you and you can see it, second off I know everything, nah, it was pretty obvious who you liked." The two of them laughed and joked becoming better friends than they were before the kiss. "Oh hey, I've got a message from Geno, it says he gotten into the base and will update when has more info cause he has to look ill and injured." "Sweet! We're one step closer!" "Hey, I think I found something about the syringe!" "Great Sci, so what is it?" "So Geno was pretty close about it turning monsters into glitches, there's just one problem, if their soul isn't strong enough to handle the new change, then the monster will become... dust..." "So...what you're saying is that Blue will become a glitch and that he might turn to dust?" "Uh, um, y-yeah m-more or-or less-s" "Shit..." Ink looked over to Murder, he had just found out his crush and his crush was most likely to turn to dust... "Wait, We can go back home now right? Since Geno is at the base." Ink just nodded his head, too stunned by what Sci had just said. "Then let's grab Blue and Dream and leave. I hate being out in public." "But no ones here..."Murder had teleported to Blueberry and Dream and teleported home. "W-we should go now. P-please don't t-tell Blue, Ink, I don't w-want to scare him." Ink nodded, still shocked. Sci grabbed his arm and teleported home.

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