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Blueberry sat in the Anti-void, alone. It was one of the things that he hates. Silence. That's why he loved Murder, he would always have something to talk about and the fact that he looks handsome... He felt lonely, Murder wasn't there to keep him company, this was worse than when Error first kidnapped him, he at least had Error to keep him company. He hugged himself and tried to get to sleep. Apparently being in this place alone for a long time could turn you into a glitch. So he tried not to think about it. "When will he come back? He said a week but how long is that here?" He waited for an answer. None came. He sighed and tried to sleep again. Hopefully his friends would find him soon.
"Get back here Error! And tell us where Blueberry is!" "Ha! As if I would ever tell you, Ink! Good luck finding him!" Error opened a portal and ran through it, closing it behind himself, he couldn't wait until Blueberry was a glitch. He would have another teammate and one he could relate to. Someone who had become a glitch, unwanted in his own AU. Even though there was no one there. He entered the base and waited for Nightmare and Cross to hurry up. "Error what are you doing here so early?" "Huh? Oh Horror, shouldn't you be getting back to your AU like Fp(Flowey possessed)?" "Don't you remember? I hate my AU along with the others that's why I joined you." "Sorry but I'm forgetful, now what did you want?" "Check on Blueberry, I know it been a day but you just got ambushed by his friends. Plus I'm sure you can think of a way to speed up the process." "Yeah,I probably can, thanks Horror. Can you check up on Nightmare and Cross while I'm gone?" Horror nodded in reply, Error smiled back and opened a portal to the Anti-void. He stepped through and saw Blueberry trying to sleep. He looked cute...
Blueberry continued trying for what seemed like forever and still couldn't fall asleep. He just laid there, he couldn't be bothered to get up. He heard something. "This place is getting to me..." He felt a small pain in his head. "Ow... What is that?" He heard movement behind him, "Who's there? I got a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it!" He spawned some bones to defend himself with. "Calm down! I just came to check on you." "Error... Go away! I've got enough to deal with." "Like that Error symbol on your fore skull?" "What?!? No nononononononononononono! This can't be happening!" "Oh but it is! I guess I'll come back tomorrow. My plan will be complete earlier than planned!" "No don't you dare leave!" "What are you gonna do about it?!?" "...nothing..." "Aww, don't be sad, you've always wanted to be my friend, you can be soon! I promise." Error opened a portal again and walked out though this time he waved goodbye, "seeya tomorrow, Blue!" He was alone again, the pain was still there, but not as strong. Though once Error left, it came back and was stronger than last time. "Ow... Why must this be so painful..." He felt tired and couldn't resist the urge. With the minute he was asleep. Unknown to Blue, sleeping made the process faster, more Errors appeared on his body and he started glitching out every so often.
"Dammit how did he get away?!?" "Ink, calm down." "No Dream! I can't! I mean he could get hurt now!" "Why don't we just go to the Anti-void, grab Blue and leave?" "It's too dangerous to go there, even for me. "Which is why we need to go! If it's too dangerous for you then imagine it for Blue! He'll be killed easily!" "Murder's right, my brother's too dangerous for you, so Blueberry is as good as dead unless we leave now." "We can stick together and we'll be safe." "...fine..." Ink opened a portal, "Geno, maybe you should stay here, I don't want you to get hurt." "Error won't hurt me, he still loves me as his brother." "Just stay close to me then." Murder sighed, Dream and Ink were happy together and Geno and Reaper were definitely happy together. Sci obviously had feelings for Fell, and look at him, on his own, his lover is probably hurt or worse and he can't do anything to save him. Reaper walked through the portal, Geno close behind him, Sci quickly followed after them, Dream and Ink were waiting for him to move to the portal before going through themselves, Murder walked through, still lost in thought. Ink and Dream still didn't enter, it was only until he heard a scream that Murder finally came out of his thoughts. "Ink! Dream!" Geno ran towards the portal, "No..."
Ink and Dream were waiting for Murder to walk through the portal but he wouldn't move. Finally he did move, "Hey Dream, did you hear anything?" "No? Why?" "I thought I did, must've been my imagination." Something teleported behind them, "Found you, Brother..." Something grabbed Dream from behind, "Ink?!? Help!" Ink spun round to see Nightmare and Cross standing there, Dream wrapped in his brother's tentacles. He pulled out his paintbrush. Cross attacked first, Ink painted two lines of purple around Cross' arms and chest and another around his legs. Cross attacked again using his giant red knife, he still failed to hit Ink. Ink snapped his fingers and the two lines of paint became purple chains, that tied up Cross so he couldn't move. "Dammit! Nightmare, drop him and help me!" "Help yourself!" Nightmare threw his last few tentacles at Ink who dogged them all, "Listen, just drop Dream and I won't tell the others that you two were here." Nightmare hesitated, Error would kill him, but he didn't want his baby brother to be killed by his own hands. "Fine, you're lucky I still love you, Bro..." Nightmare dropped Dream, "Release Cross, or else..." "Got it!" Ink snapped his fingers again and the paint disappeared. Cross stood up ready to attack. Nightmare glared at him and teleported back to Error. "No..." "Geno?" "What did you see?" "Enough. Why? Why did you agree? We need to know too! " "Calm down. They would've killed Dream. I had to. For his sake." "Don't worry, Geno, the thing that matters is that no body got hurt." "..." The three of them stood in silence for a few seconds. "Guys? Are we going or not?" "Coming!" Dream grabbed Ink's hand and ran through the portal. Geno following behind them.

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