| Beauty & The Beast | Chapter 6 |

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A pair of doors swung open, the beast seeming not in a pleasant mood as he rushed in. "I asked her nicely, but she refuses." Vegeta slammed a wooden chair aside, approaching the magical rose. It had a beautiful pink color and floating upon air, shining brightly. The pink light seemed almost captivating upon sight. "What does she want me to do? Beg?!"

Vegeta quickly picked up the magic mirror. "Show me the woman!" A green glow emerged from the mirror before long you appeared having a conversion with Eighteen, the wardrobe.

"The master really isn't that half bad once you get to know him," Eighteen said, looking at you. "Why don't you give him a chance?"

"I don't want to know him! He just... just so mean to me." You replied with a sad expression and crossed arms over your chest. Your orbs gazed upon Eighteen. "I don't want anything to do with him!"

Unbeknownst to you, you had no idea that Vegeta was watching and despite the anger he felt towards you, he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. With sadness consuming him, he placed the mirror on the table, shaking his head.

"What a fool I am... She'll never see me as anything else but a monster..." He whispered to himself, swearing to feel such sick sad emotion strongly than ever before. His dark eyes shifted towards a flower petal falling from the rose.

Time was running out.


Hunger was slowly taking over you. So, without wasting more time, you finally went out of your room, slowly making sure no one was watching you.

"I'm so hungry... I wonder what kind of food they might have." You said in a slight whisper before snucking down the hallway.

A snorting sound could be heard. Apparently, Kakarot had fallen asleep, but when the door closed, it had awoken him.

"Enfin! She has emerged!" He panicked slightly. For sure, Bardock would strangle him if he finds out he had fallen asleep.

While in the kitchen, ChiChi was putting Gohan into a cupboard to a good night sleep.

"Come on, Gohan, into the cupboard with the rest of them." She softly said, slightly pushing her son.

"But mom, I'm not sleepy! I'm a grown-up so I can stay up a little longer..." He gave out a yawn afterwards causing ChiChi to smile.

"Yes you are..." She went on and closed the cupboard. Her ears perked up Gohan's soft snoring.

"I worked and slaved myself to make all this food, and for what? A culinary dish gone to waste. Maybe we should have made Goku eat it all!" The angry stove exclaimed.

ChiChi shook her head. "Now, now, it's been a long night for all of us."

"She's a stubborn one if you ask me." Bardock spoke up, throwing a dishcloth on the floor angrily. "After all he did say 'please'."

"But if the master doesn't learn how to control his temper then he'll never break the sp- ..." ChiChi was cut off when Bardock noticed you entering the kitchen.

"Splendid to see you out and about, Mademoiselle! I'm Bardock." Bardock smiled before bowing and held out his hand for you.

Your lips curved up lightly as you crouched on the floor and was about to place your hand on the clock when Kakarot pushed him away. Smirking, he took your hand instead.

"... And this is the bloody carrot, Kakarot." Bardock said annoyed, gesturing towards said person, or candle.

"Salut beauté," Kakarot began kissing your hand.

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