| Beauty & The Beast | Chapter 7 |

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You wandered around the castle accompanied with Bardock and Kakarot, who showed you around while Bardock will explain what you three saw;

"As you can see, the pseudo facade was stripped away to reveal a minimalist rococo design. Note the unusual inverted vaulted ceilings. This is yet another example of the neoclassic baroque period, and as I always say, if it's not baroque, don't fix it! Hahaha, now then, where was I....?"

At the corner of his eye, Bardock noticed the heads that belong to suits of armor, turning to follow you.

He frowned. "As you were!" His throat produced a cough, continuing on, "Now, if I may draw your attention to the flying buttresses above the...."

But, whether hearing what he had to say, you didn't pay much attention for how amazed you were and soon your legs were carrying you towards a staircase leading to the west wing. At that motion, both, candelabra and clock, ran in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.

"What's up there?" Your voice lingered with curiosity.

"Where? Up there? Nothing. Nothing at all. Absolutely nothing of interest in the west wing! Dusty, dull, and very boring!" Bardock spoke, not realizing what he just said.

"So, that's the west wing?" You said. "I wonder what's he hiding up there..." You took a few steps up, looking over to have a better look.

"Hiding?" Kakarot laughed nervously. "The Master is hiding nothing!"

"If he wouldn't then it wouldn't be forbidden." You argued your case, taking another step only to be stopped once more.

"Perhaps, mademoiselle, would like to see something else. We have exquisite tapestries dating all the way back to..."

You stepped over them, interfering Bardock. "Maybe later."

"The gardens, or the library perhaps?" Kakarot suggested.

"You have a library?" Your eyes lit up with interest, which caused the males to be in relief.

"Oh yes! Indeed we do!" Bardock went on.

"With books!" Smiled Kakarot.

"Lots of books!"

"Mountains of books!"

"Forests of books!"

"Cascades of books!!"

"Swamps of books!"

"More books than you'll ever be able to read in a lifetime! Books on every subject ever studied, by every author who set a pen to paper!"

You began to follow the two as they marched up ahead, however, you stopped mid-way, the curiosity overtaking you, changing your course of direction back to the west wing.

'Clank-tap', 'clank-tap' your shoes go, as you snucked up the stairs and made your way quietly down the hallway. Your eyes roamed around, adjusting to the dark surroundings.

Upon arriving to a smashed mirror, you froze in place, your eyes took in the broken glass mirror that once stood perfectly fine only to be smashed to pieces. You wondered to yourself why it was smashed or whom could have done it?

A bad feeling began to creep in you.

A pair of great huge doors you approached before slowly opening them and slightly peaking in. You walked around, observing all the destroyed furniture.

Once turning around, a torned painting came into sight. Partly half of it torned away.

You made your way closer to it, pulling the part back to place. Your eyes slightly widened in dismay.

It was a male. A handsome one to begin with. His abyss glorious mane stood upwards similar to a flame. His eyes a color similar to his hair, but they contained such a glow that can be quite captivating.

You felt like you were in a trance unable to look away, but to observe every features he contained.

However, a small glow brought you back to reality.

Your neck craned to the side for your eyes to capture such beautiful rose, despite of the fallen petals, within a glass jar. It was floating in mid-air.

Walking near it, you reached out, your fingers lightly wrapping around the glass before lifting it up slowly, eyeing the rose with such curiosity.

Not long after, the rose was left unprotected, finally feeling the freedom of being out.

The temptation became stronger, you deeming to touch such delicacy, so your slim fingers reached towards it to feel the rose. But not even halfway, a dark figure loomed upon you. The Beast coming face to face with you, and he shutted the flower back in the glass. His eyes contained such rage.

"Why did you come here?" He growled, causing you to back away slowly.

Your lips fell apart, trying to stutter out words, "I-I'm sorry."

"I warned you to never come here!" Vegeta snapped, seeming to lose his temper.

You flinched, slightly shaking in fear. "I didn't mean no harm..."

"Do you realize what you could have done?!" Vegeta yelled, throwing a wooden table into the wall with quite force that it splintered.

"Please, stop!" You began to plead, but the fear still consuming you.

"Get out! GET OUT!" His voice thundered more louder than before and you ran as fast as your legs could take you away from the west wing. You hurried down the stairs, tripping a couple of times, but either way you didn't stop.

His breath hitched, trying to recover some air in his lungs as he stood in the middle of the room. His hands shaking from the rage, however, Vegeta fell in despair after he calmed down, realizing what he had done. His knees became hollow, dropping him onto the ground.

What an idiot he was....

... Now, he has no chance with you.

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