| Beauty & The Beast | Chapter 15 |

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"He did what?!"

Bardock produced a frown of annoyance as Kakarot and ChiChi said in union with Gohan between the two. 

After exiting the west room, Bardock had made his way to tell the news to the both of them. It was expected of them to be in shock for what Vegeta did, but it annoyed him as they yelled at him with Kakarot nearly spilling his spit upon him. However, he was quite sadden knowing you left. 

"Yes, I'm afraid it's true..." 

Gohan was sadden at the thought of you leaving, causing his expression to drop. "She's going away?"

"But he was so close..." Kakarot exclaimed with a downcast voice. 

ChiChi shook her head, her facial expression as well depressed. "After all this time, he's finally learned to love."

"That's it then! That should break the spell." Grinned Kakarot sheepishly.

"But it's not enough," ChiChi argued back. "She has to love him in return."

"Now it's too late." Bardock sighed. 

Meanwhile the adults were discussing the sorrowful event, Gohan had made his way out. He deemed to know why you had decided to leave them and so, the small little cup had an idea in mind in order to get his questions solved. 

And that plan was risky, but he was determined to do it.


His dark orbs watched you riding your stallion under the moonlight. His heart was broken into pieces, watching you go. He couldn't take it. This pain was too much for him and it wasn't the kind he was used to experience. It was more serious, surreal and new.

He hated it. 

Despised at most.

Oh, how he wanted to stop you at that very moment though. To jump down from the balcony and stand in front of you. Grab you, hold you in his arms, take you back to his castle, and never let you go again.

That's how bad you leaving was for him.

All he deemed was for his painful heart to return back to normal. To be happy with you by his side. See your sweet smile once again. 

But those were just his selfish thoughts. 

... How pathetic he has turned for a woman like you.

"So pathetic..." He whispered, releasing a small growl. "What did you do to me... (F/n)?" 

'What did you do...?'

A single tear escaped from his eye before he let out a loud roar of pain as you rode on, outside the gate door.   


Oolong charged into the forest, as you held tight onto the reins. You looked here and there, calling out your sister's name, but no sign of her. You began to worry more and more, seeing that you couldn't find your sister. It was a cold night and that terrified you more. It was dark now and your sister might had froze to death or got eaten by wolves. You didn't want to believe in those thoughts, so you shook it off, calling out her name once again, hoping that you will find her soon. "Bulma!"

At a short stop, you gasped. There upon your eyes, was your sister, laying on the pile of snow unconscious. 

You quickly got off Oolong, approaching your sister with tears about to spill. You grabbed her hands and noticed that she was cold as ice. "Bulma! Oh my goodness! I have to take you back home quick!" 

Without wasting more time, you lifted her up and put her upon Oolong before riding on to home. 

You wrapped your arm around her shoulder, helping your sister up the few steps to your house. Bulma was shivering and slighty coughing. 

Your eyes fell in sadness, watching her struggle. Her face was so pale, her color drained from her face. Her rosy lips cracked thanks to the cold. And her body felt so cold, leaving her without any warmth thus you pressed onto her to provide her with your own body temperature and had given her your coat. 

'How careless of her...' You thought. 'Why would she risk her own life to save my own?'

But even so, you were very worried about her, not having the courage to be mad at her. She was your sister and you knew she would do anything to keep you safe just like you would do the same. 

Both of you were so reckless. 

As you helped your sister into the house, covered in snow, Puar shivered and chattered his teeth. Having seen and heard their arrival, he was filled with joy for he now can go and get out to get himself warmed up. "T-they're... back! Finally!" He shook off the snow and immediately fled to tell Yamcha the news.


Bulma blinked her eyes, only being able to see blurriness in her vision, but she was able to identify her sister. "(F/n)...?"

"Shh... It's alright, Bulma. I'm home." You gently placed a wet warm towel on her forehead while she laid on her bed underneath a blanket. 

She was in disbelief, but relieved to see you back again, embracing you into a hug. You smiled and wrapped your arms around her, hugging her back. "I thought I would never see you again, (F/n). I was really worried about you..."

"But," Bulma broke the embrace, placing her hands on your shoulders, seeming curious to know how you made it back. "How did you escape? He didn't harm you, did he?" Concerned, your sister checked you to see if you were not harmed.

You chuckled at how worried she was for you. "I'm fine and I didn't escape, Bulma. He... he let me go."

Bulma raised her brows in surprise before frowning. "That horrible beast?"

"But he's different now. He changed somehow..."

A strange noise produced inside the bag you had grabbed from the castle to put in the magic mirror Vegeta had given you. Your (e/c) eyes drifted towards it as it stumbled down on the bed, revealing the small cup, Gohan, with the mirror. 

"Hi!" he smiled, hopping towards the two. 

"Oh, a stowaway!" You smiled. 

Gohan made his way onto Bulma's hand before lifting him up, giggling. "Why, hello there, little fella. Didn't think I'd see you again."

Then he turned towards you, he inquired, "(F/n), why'd you go away?" Gohan's lips turned upside down into a sad face. "Don't you like us anymore?"

You couldn't help, but let your smile drop as well. You didn't mean to leave or without a farewell at least, but there was a reason for you to leave so suddenly. Your sister needed you. She needed you more than anything and if you hadn't gone to save her, who knows what have happened to you sister. You did miss the castle, the servants, and the beast... However, your sister was at your top priority first.  

Your lips parted, and spoke, "Gohan, of course I do. It's just that..."

Before you could finish your sentence, your hearing senses perked up the sound of knocking coming from the door. 

Your face was consumed with puzzlement as your brows came together into a frown. It was late at night and it was rare for someone to be knocking. All the townsfolk were usually napping at that hour. And you definitely weren't in the mood to deal with that brute, Yamcha. You had barely returned with your sister nearly freezing to death. What exactly could he want? Was it another marriage proposal?

You sighed and stood up, strolling to the door before slowly opening it. 

Standing before you was not Yamcha, but instead a green-skinned tall male. What caught your most attention though were his menacing eyes and the evil smirk on his green lips that seem to dig into your soul. 

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