| Beauty & The Beast | Chapter 9 |

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In the murkiness tavern, with only a small fraction of light imitating from an oil lamp on the middle of the table, both Yamcha and Puar could be seen. They sat down on each a chair, facing a mysterious figure. This so person, meanwhile, sat in a glorious chair, seeming to be superior upon the two.

"I don't usually leave the asylum in the middle of the night." spoke a deep male voice, which belonged to the unknown man, while Yamcha gulped down a jug filled with beer. "But he said you'd make it worth my while."

Once finished with his beverage, Yamcha brought downwards his brows, before taking out a pouch filled with gold coins. 

The man on the large chair smirked, holding upwards a single golden coin. His skin was green with menacing eyes. He is tall and quite muscular, wearing a dark suite. "Ah," he began, and his facial expression fell darkly,  "I'm listening."

Seeing that he caught the male's attention, Yamcha took this as his opportunity to speak, "It's like this. I've got my heart set on marrying [F/n]," He grinned devilishly, "But she needs a little persuasion. Everyone knows her sister is a lunatic. She was in here tonight rambling about a beast in a castle."

"Bulma seems like a harmless woman. What is the point in this?"

"Well, you see, [F/n] would do anything to keep her from being locked up."

Puar chuckled. "Yeah, even attempt in marrying him." He sarcastically pointed at Yamcha , who scowled back at poor Puar, nearly close to giving him a slap before Piccolo interrupted him. 

"So, you want me to throw her sister into the asylum unless she agrees in marrying you?" Yamcha smirked and Puar nodded, giving Piccolo a yes. "That is despicable." A low evil laughter escaped from his throat. "I love it."

Yamcha smirked at the response. His plan was going well as he expected. And before you knew it, he was certain, that you were going to be his. 


"If no one will help me, then I'll go back alone," Bulma spoke to herself, putting away a map inside her bag. 

She was worried sick about her sister and after being denied for aid from everyone in town, Bulma had made the decision to go on her own. Despite of how harsh and cold it was, she was determined to bring you back home. She didn't want to think what bad things that beast might try to do to you. She was of course the eldest among the two of you, so she had the responsibility to take care of you and protect you from any harm. After the death of both of her's and your's parents, she made that promise to not let harm come upon you, but instead you were the one who risked your life to protect her from that beast. So, at the very least, she has to bring you back home no matter the challenges that she may face. 

"Is this everything?" She looked around, checking if she had everything prepared for her journey back to the castle. "I don't care what it takes. I'll find that castle and I will get her out of there." With determined eyes, she grabbed a slouchy hat and a lantern as she walked out of the house. Closing the door, she headed down a path - to the way to rescue her little sister. "I will bring you back [F/n]. I promise." 

As she strolled away, a stallion pulling a cart appeared from a few feet behind her. Out came Yamcha, he stood before the closed door and knocked couple of times but no one answered. Getting frustrated, he used all his force to open the door.

"[F/n]! Bulma!" He called out as he walked in, seeing the house dark and empty. No living soul inside the place. 

"Oh well, I guess it's not going to work after all." Came in Puar, holding onto a lantern. However, a strong grip to his collar made his grunt in surprise. 

"They have to come back at some time." spat Yamcha, looking furious in finding them gone. He deemed for his plan to go accordingly as plan, He was desperate to have you as his wife. "And when they do, we'll be ready for them." He continued. Suddenly, he threw Puar into a pile of snow next to the entrance of your house. "Puar, don't move from that spot until [F/n] and her sister come home."

"Wait, hold on!" Puar cried out, but Yamcha had already climbed up the cart that had began to move away. His cry not being heard by Yamcha. "That asshole..." 

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