Chapter 12

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Me and Steven end up drinkng and eating Dauntless cake again. 

"I am in love with this cake" he says, his mouthfull of cake. 

"I thought you loved me" I say, pretending to be hurt.

"Well, I do, but i love this cake more" he says, shoving more cake in his mouth. I take his cake and shove it in my mouth

"HEY!!!!!!!!" he yells, "GIVE ME THE CAKE BACK" he whines.

"Dont be such a baby, Steve, go steal somemore" I say, sticking my tounge out. He rolls his eyes and walks to go get more. I check my watch. Its 9;45. I should probably be back at home at around 10 or 10.30 s my mom doesnt yell and get all mad like she did last time. We eat ckae for about another 30 mnuites, and then we decide to go home. 

He walks me to my families apartment and kisses me goodbye. I dont open the door, because I hear my parentd talking, I mean, Who wouldnt eavesdrop on there parents? 

"Shut up" Mom yells. I hear Chrisina laughing. 

"At least her fear wasnt of cute bunnies" I hear my dad laugh.

"On a toatally unrelated topic, I hear your daughter got in a fight today" Christina says. This just got interesting.

"Oh yeah, She claims to have been saving Cassidy from that 'Evil kid Brian and his idiot friend' but sometimes I think she just want to pick fights" I hear my mom say. Oh, so I like to pick fights. Interesting theory mom. 

"If she has the strength, she should use it." My dad says.

"Not to pick fights, Tobias!" 

"You seriously dont believe her? I do." My dad says.

"What do you think Christina?" My mom asks.

"well, Im from candor, and usually I can tell who is lieing. I am not taking sides Tris, but I believe that she wasnt lieing. She really was saving Cassidy" She says, her voice small.

"Whatever" my mom says. Clearly she lost that fight. I walk in and I walk up the stares, ignoring my moms questions. I cant believe that she doesnt believe me, and she doesnt trust me. She thinks I just 'Pick Fights'. Well, Shes wrong


Hey guys. I just finished The Fault In Our Stars. It was so sad. Anyway, I might be able to get about one or two more chapters written today :)

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