Chapter 11

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As I walked out of the training room, I heard a scream. I decided to go see who was screaming. It ended up being this is initiate from Abnegation named Cassidy Clare. Two boys are beating her up. I decide to break up the fight nobody is there to do it themselves.

"Hey, why dont you pick on someone your own size" I say. One boy turns around and looks at me. Oh, great. Its Brian. Ive always wanted to kick his butt in a fight. 

"Awww. Has daddies little princess come to save the day" He says. Hes from Erudite. Hes and initiate, so he knows Four is my dad. Frankly everyone does.

"Actually I came here to break the fight, but know I can kick your ass" I say.

He laughs. "You cant beat me in any fight" 

"Wanna bet? I ranked first place in my training, which is Dauntless born." I say, I am going to beat him. "And you ranked third in initates"

"Fine then, well see whos better" He says. He makes the first move. He throws a punch, but i duck, and he misses. I come up and kick him in the stomach. He staggers back for a second. His friend who was helping him beat Cassidy up, was staring in horror. He punched me in the stomach. I punch him in the face, hard. He falls down, half concious. I kick him about ive more times, to make sure hes unconcious. I turn to his friend and say:

"Your next then?' 

"N-No, I was just ummm... going"  He says, running away.

I laugh and yell "You better run" and turn to Cassidy. She looks like shes about to pass out. nThen I see my mom, Christina, my dad, Steven, and Natalie come running. Why do they come at the worng times? 

"Allison what happened?" My mom asks.

"Well, Brian and some other idiot were beating Cassidy up, so i knocked him out and the other loser ran away, so..." I say. My doesnt reall care that i beat someone. But my mom thinks its wrong, and thats why she doesnt like training.  dont know why she joined Dauntless if she cant fight someone. 

"Oh. Tris and Natalie, take Cassidy to the hospital or something" MY dad says. Once they are gone my dad says,

"How long did it take for him to pass out?" 

I laugh "4 kicks to the stomach, And a punch in the face" He says he better get to training, and he walks away.

"How did it feel, you know to beat the crap out of him?" Steven asks. We both hate him. He thinks hes better than everyone and thinks he knows everything. 

"It felt great" I say sarcastically. Together we walk in sience, hand in hand to the kitchen.

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