Chapter 15

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We sit in a room and wait. I am second to last in line. When its my turn, Christina injects me and soon Im in my landscape. My first fear is spiders. I am in a room, and soon every wall and I are covered in spiders. I take a deep breath, and start waking the spiders off. They evaporate. Next I am in a tank, filling with water. I kick the glass. It doesnt break.  I hit the glass, and it barely cracks. The water is at my soulders and I kick twice and it breaks. I take a deep breath, and I am in my next fear.

There is a man, and he is forcing me to shoot my little sister and Steven. They are telling me it ok, I should do it, or I will die.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1"  the man counts down,and I am dead.

I wake up in a white room. Thats it? I think three fears?  My dad and couple other Dauntless Leaders walk in. The Dauntless leader congratulate me, and walk out.

"Three fears? Thats a record breaking number" My dad says.

"How many did you have" I ask.

"Four. Thats why they call me four. Four fears." He says.

"How many did mom have?' I ask.

"Six. So you beat us both" He says, disappointed.

"Well, Im going to find Steven, Bye" I say as I walk out of the room. I walk into the crowd and everyone just stares. I finally find Steven, he is in a hallway by the Dining Hall. When he sees me, he smiles and walk twords me. He lifts me off my feet and kisses me.

"Three fears. Impressive." He says.

"How much did you have" I ask.

"Ten, but that doesnt matter. We have about to hours before the ranks. Lets celebrate." He says as he pulls me twords the kitchen. We end up sitting in my bed kissing, an talking.

"Uhg. Its time for rankings." I say as I get up.

"Fine."he says. We walk, hand in hand, to the dining hall. One dauntless leader named Alexander gives the speach. I dont really pay attention. Its something about welcoming the people who pass the initiation, blah blah blah. I only pay attention when the ranks come up:

1. Allison 

2. Steven


4. Cassandra

5. Brian

6. Adeline

7. Jacob

8. Ryan


10. Isabelle

Everyone cheers and yells. A few people congratuate me and pat my back. I smile and say thank you. My parents and Christina hug me,and so does Steven.

"Today, all new Dauntless members will get apartments. Please report to my office at 8:00 tonight to get your keys from me. Also,tomorrow you will choose you jobs. Be in the cafeteria at 10 tomorrow" Alexander says into the microphone. I eventually make it to Alexanders office with Steven and Cassasndra. Alexander gives me my key, room 563. Finally, my own apartment and freedom. I walk back with Steven. 

"Want me to help yu move out?" He asks.

"If you want. I probably just have a bag of clothes and a box of my stuff, then I can help you" I say.

"Ok," He says" Lets go" We move my stuff to my apartment, and get his stuff into his. I end up falling asleep in his bed. He wraps his arms around me and he falls aleep, too.  

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This was a longer chapter. Sorry it took me so long to finish it. Comment any ideas you have that i can put in the story :) Thanks 

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