Chapter 16

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This is going to be the last chapter of this story. I am making a part two, its mostly going to be about Allison, and how she lives her life as a Dauntless. Thanks for taking the time to read my sory, and I hope you like it :) Book two is coming soon!



I wake up, wrapped in Stevens arms. Today is my firt day as a Dauntless. I am soo glad that i m not factionless.

"Morning" He says against my ear. He gets up and walks to the kitchen. Suddenly, Camille  bursts in and yells

"STEVEN, WERE GOING ZIPLINING WANNA COME?" Steven yells "SURE!" back from the kitchen. She throws herself on the bed and knocks me of.

"What the hell" I yell.

"Sorry."SHe says while laughing. "You wanna go too?" 

"Why not" I say

"What better way to spend the first day of being a DAuntless" She says. I get of the ground and push her off the bed.

"HEYYYYYYYYYY" She screams as she falls as I laugh.

"Sorry not sorry" I say. Hailey and Dylan walk in laughing.

"Are we going ziplining yet?" She whines.

"Kay. Lets go" Steven yells, walking into the bedroom again. We walk to the building that the zipline is on. While we climb up, Camille trips on the ladder and almost breaks her neck. Dauntless to the bone, Right?

"Who want to go first?" Dylan asks. Hes a year older than us, and thinks he knows EVERYTHING.

"I WIILL! ME! ME! ME!" Camille yelss, raising her hand. She gets in the zipline, and goes. A couple minuites later, shes on the ground laughing. I go next. I crawl into the zipline, and get ready.

"Are you ready?" Steven asks. This is what I am made for. I am Dauntless, I am brave.

"Yes" I say. And I go. 

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