Chapter 12 - Party Invites And Grilled Cheese

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Thomas: Hey :)

Me: A smiley emoji? Really? XD

Thomas: You're one to talk, miss 'XD' laugh face

Thomas: Speechless? Never thought that'd happen

Me: Okay, well at least it's not a smiley face and don't you dare start typing when I'm typing no not okay. No stop! I just realized you can't read what I'm typing at this moment... and no, not speechless, obviously, I'm just texting slow right now. Geez.

Thomas: Okay. Slow down, anyways, I initiated a text war to tell you I was invited to a party. U wanna come as my date?

Me: nah. I'll come as your girl of the month.

Thomas: Is that what you think of me?

Me: no, and yes, I'll come, as your gf

Thomas: you're calling yourself my girlfriend...?

Me: should I not?

Thomas: I didn't know if I could call you my gf, i didn't know if you were comfortable with it... good to know I can! cool, i'll be home in ten

Thomas: love you! <3

Me: Love u too. drive safe <3 

I walked out of my room while reading and sat on the couch. I didn't want him to think I stayed in the same spot all Sunday, even though I did. I was in love with this book. I was reading "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow. So good. And a long book too. I read this back in the eighth grade, and was bored. I forgot how good it was.

Ten minutes later, I was cooking in the kitchen, I wanted grilled cheese. I flipped the sandwich over in the pan, and turned the page on my book with the other. I heard the door close softly, and his keys being put down quietly. He was going to sneak up on me.

"Thomas, I hear you." I said. No reply. "Look, I already know you're here, I won't rea- Ack!"

"Won't react, huh. Okay." he said, smirking.

"You tazed me. No fair." his arms were still on my waist. I turned my torso just enough to his him. It was just a peck, and then I turned and flipped the sandwich onto the late next to the stove.

"You made me food?" he asked

"Hah. No. This is mine." I laughed, and he started tickling me.

"Now do I get sandwich?" he made puppy eyes at me. Crap.

"N-no-not unt-till y-you stop t-t-tickling ME!" He stopped, and walked out of the room to the living room and turned on the TV. He gave up that easy? I turned back to the stove to make him a grilled cheese and noticed my plate was empty.

"THOMAS!" I turned the corner into the living room, where he held a half devoured grilled cheese and a wide grin.

"Hi." He laughed. "Sup?"

"My grilled cheese is in your hand, mouth, and stomach. That' what's up." I said flatly.

"Oh, sorry. This was yours?' he was amused. I wasn't.

"Yes. And I will no longer be cooking." I said seriously. I laughed when his eyes bugged out. 

"Maddy, I'm sorry. please don't stop, I love your cooking, plus it's part of the deal..." he started pleading, making me laugh harder.

"Thomas calm down!" I said, still laughing. A look of realization crossed his face, and he pulled me onto the couch, me on his lap.

"That was cruel. A cruel, sick joke. You know that?" he said.

"Yes." I smiled my most innocent smile.

"You'll pay for that." he said, and leaned forward to kiss me.

"I want my grilled cheese first. It's on the stove." I hopped up and flipped it, and waited for it to be done. I turned off the TV and sat next to Thomas, my legs on his lap. When I finished, he grabbed my calves, and pulled me forward, so my butt was at his thigh. I fell over.

"Hi. Can I kiss you yet?" he leaned closer. Just before I swallowed, I shook my head no, pulled myself up and away a bit, and spoke.

"Nope. Not yet." It came out as 'Nop. Not yeth.' I was still chewing.

"Okay. How about now." he asked, after seeing me swallow.

"If you must," I giggled, and kissed him.

"The party starts in an hour, Madalyn." whined Thomas. "You aren't even done with your make-up yet. Can I at least come in and see what you have done?" he was talking through the door. I was at my vanity, using the little make-up I had.

"No." I had on a light blue sparkly halter top, and leather leggings. I decided to wear platform heels with a strap around the ankle. They were black. My hair was put in soft curls that flowed around me. I was finishing my mascara when I heard the door handle turn, I hopped up, poking my eye. "Crap!" I ran to the door and pushed against it.

"I thought I'd get you, dang it." he said through the still closed door. I pulled chair and put it under the handle so he couldn't get through.

"You did, you got my mascara brush to poke my eye." I said, and he laughed. "It's not funny."

"Yes, it is." he said, still laughing. I walked silently to the door and pounded it, and Thomas yelled.

"That's why you don't lean on my door." I said, laughing. I loved that our relationship was carefree. We weren't fake, we had known each other since we were little. We could do stuff like this, that other couples that had only been together for three weeks couldn't do. I finished my make-up, eyeshadow and all, grabbed my phone, and put fifty dollars in the back of the case. I shoved my phone into my small purse, removed the chair from in from of the door, and started talking through the door.

"Thomas, close your eyes." I said.

"Okay." I poked my head out, and silently walked past him to the door. "Can I open them yet?" he asked in the direction of my room.

"Why are you talking to my room? I'm at the door, and yeah, you can." He walked into the room I was in and nearly fell over. He staggered back.

"Madds, is that you?" he questioned. He looked me up and down.

"You can stop checking me out." I said, laughing. "And yes, it is."

"Well, I scored!" he said, pulling me to him. He wasn't wearing anything fancy, just jeans and a grey polo shirt. I kissed him.

"Whatever you say, love." he looked at me.

"Did you just call me 'love' Maddi?" he asked, laughing.

"Yes." I punched him lightly. He kissed me again. "Stop, we have to get to the party, okay? It starts in 40 minutes." I said, opening the door. Thomas was behind me, locking up the door, and he followed me down the stairwell.

We got to his car, and I stopped.

"Do you want to take a taxi?" I asked, thinking about later that night.


"It's a college party, Thomas."

"Oh, right. Yeah, let's do that." I shook my head, and rolled my eyes before grabbing my phone.

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