For the best || Harry Potter x Reader x Draco Malfoy

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(Picture wasn't made by me, therefore it doesn't belong to me.)
My hand flies to my eyes in a desperate and quick attempt to stop myself from being permanently blinded. I squint and role over, shielding myself from the light daggers. I jump out of bed in realisation. "IT'S CHRISTMAS" I shout not caring about the sleeping house.
Pansy and Millicent lay still in their beds despite my recent outburst. I jump onto Daphnes bed. "Girl, it's Christmas- oh my g- she left me!" I whisper. I quickly throw on a pair of black leather pants and a green long sleeve shirt. I whip on a warm scarf and little snow flake earrings. A pair of boots with fur insoles caresses my cold feet as I practically skip out of my dorm, slamming the door behind me in an evil attempt to startle Pansy And Millicent into waking.
A thick and heavy wave of the cold winter air slaps me as soon as I step out of the common room. "That's...nice" I say sarcastically through the pain. I walk towards the hall for breakfast then to the Slytherin table, accidentally bumping into someone. It's my friends from 2nd year, Potter, Weasley and Granger. It was a pleasant friendship while it lasted, but the tables naturally turned as we grew older, especially my crush on Potter which died out a couple years ago.
I stare them down, waiting for them to move. "Excuse me." I say through my teeth. "You appear to be in the way of my breakfast" I grin with dead eyes, emphasising every word. "Sorry madam Queen" Ron shrugs sarcastically moving to the side. "It's your highness Ron..." Hermione whispers to him as they go back to the Gryffindor table. I lightly chuckle as I took my seat. I collect a worthy breakfast to cure enough of my problems to make me at least momentarily happy. As I eat I think more and more about the talk I had with my Voldemort following parents about contributing to his legacy and 'upholding' the family name. It's the only thing I've been able to think about. Of course I'm forced to put up this barricade of not MY opinions but those of my family. The one I have the biggest problem is their views on Voldemort being forced on me as my own, when I think completely the opposite of him, of course I can't admit that or I'll be banished and killed in a heart beat. I look over at the trio, they all seem so...joyful. For a second, I become very aware of the separation of Gryffindor to Slytherin, the happy to the troubled. I've never felt so alone, and with my thoughts which isn't a good idea. As the Gryffindor table erupts in fits of laughter, the Slytherin table remains contained, suspiciously murmuring to each each occasionally. In this moment of admiration and...envy for what Gryffindor has, I briefly make eye contact with Potter and in that second, the eyes of a genuinely happy person is met with those of a conflicted, lost teen. Yes, I used to like him and he knows that, but after whatever that phase was, I moved on and found myself taking a liking to Draco and that's not because my family forces us to bond every holiday. According to my family, Draco is the perfect partner due to his families reputation. I'm not that low to find interest in him because of his money and reputation, and my parents need to recognise that.

Time skip brought to you by Professor Snape dying his hair pink.

It's definitely late because I've been lying in this bed for hours. Who could sleep with this on their mind? Everytime my eyes close, it's like it's time for all of my problems to parade around my head and torment me. I need to clear my head or I'm not going to get any sleep. No wonder so many Slytherin is known to be bitter at times, no one can sleep with their death eater parents' constant harassment. I put whatever shoes I had next to my bed and begin to walk around Hogwarts trying to be as silent as I can.

I was minding my business as you do at 2am when I hear 2 faint voices coming from within a room. Hoping it's not some teacher that sounds like a teen, I walk around the next corner and peak through the crack, curious of who's up bickering this late. "Just keep your grotty hands away from her and we won't have a problem" I hear Draco try to whisper, but coming out more harsh and aggressive.
"It's about time you realise she doesn't. Like. You. Malfoy. Accept it and move on, this isn't something money can buy" Potter says. I stay to hear and figure out what's going on, not that I'm completely a nosy person but it's well after midnight, I'm tired and this is my only source of anything interesting happening.
"You don't know what you're talking about Potter. Y/n can decide for herself in the morning, time reveals everything, don't be disappointed when she chooses me though" alright alright it's confirmed, they're talking about me. I consider just leaving because this is kinda pathetic but I tip toe in anyway. I softly but angrily close to door behind me. They both turn their beards to me.
"Look. 1. I'm probably going to regret getting involved this late at night tomorrow but I don't really care right now. 2. Next time you decide to argue at 2am please be quieter. 3. I'm not going to pick anyone if this keeps going, you know I'm a very independent (_____)" I say proudly.
"Theoretically, if we both liked you..who would you choose? Harry or myself?" Draco says looking at his shoes. His cold eyes turn warm as he looks back up into my eyes looking for an answer. Did he just says Harry instead of Potter?
"Can we acknowledge that isn't theoretical though? Like stop playing pretend." I say. I don't like picking or being told to pick in a situation like this. "I'm not going to 'choose', but Harry please stop trying to reach out to me, we just don't connect anymore, we live two very different lives it wouldn't work I'm sorry" I say, tears welling in my eyes, not for the reason Harry thinks. To him it could be the complete and utter pain of rejecting someone I supposedly to him, 'love'. To me it's the pain of admitting my life has changed for the worse and that I'm siding with Draco for one reason being the trauma we share.
"We could make it work" Harry tries, struggling to accept the outcome.
"We wouldn't and I'm not going to explain why, this isn't a debate or competition...please" I say shaking my head. Harry goes to speak again but stops and admits defeat, leaving.
"Draco.." I say grabbing his hand. "I'm not going to say anything about whatever that was but.." I push up my sleeve revealing the death eater mark. I search his eyes. He hesitantly pushes up his sleeve, revealing his mark. A wall crashes down, it's like finally finding someone with the same movie taste but dark. "At least we have each other?" The silence of the night eats away as we hug, trying to ignore reality.


Surprisingly, I wake up with energy for the first time in a while, with motivation to get out of bed. I jump out of bed and put on my Hogwarts uniform. I cheerfully walk out to the hall where I have a simple toast with an apple. I finish my toast and take the apple outside with my to help me practise my levitation charms and other spells. After only a few minutes of practise I feel a presence.
"What do you want Potter?" I ask putting my wand away and finally taking a bite of my apple.
"I wanted to talk to you" I stand up. "About yesterday..."
"Ok no, we settled this, no more debate"
"Why did you pick Draco?"
"I- didn't 'pick' and that's non of anyones business" I say after I overcome my speechlessness, guilt slowly eating away at me.
He forcefully grabs my hand and starts to push up my sleeve. A group of students turn the corner, approaching where I am. Seeing Draco, I look him in the eyes pleadingly. He rushes over and pushes Harry. "What are you doing with my girlfriend?"
"Girlfriend?" Potter asks.
"Girlfriend?" I whisper ask.
"Just talking to her, I will leave now..." Potter continues as he looks in suspicion at my arm. He glares at Draco before walking away.
"Thank you so much, he was going to see...yeah." I say kissing him on the cheek. He smiles and we part ways to get on with our days.
Later in the afternoon I'm exploring the library a bit when someone pushes me into an empty corridor. Surprise, surprise, it's Potter. He quickly pushes up my sleeve and gasps as he sees...nothing?
"I-I don't understand!" He stutters. "I swear you had one"
"Had a what? Extra hand? What were you expecting?" His nails sink into my arm as his grip tightens and confusion arises.
"Let go of me!" I say, trying to tug my arm away.
"Oh Merlin! What is going on here?" Umbridge booms. "Let go of her this instance! And 6 feet apart at all times!"
I'll never know what it could've been, it's ok though because it was just a.. small meaningless crush.

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