Prefect || Draco Malfoy x reader

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I pour some dragon blood into the potion. The potion perculiarly turns purple and bubble a bit. After it stops bubbling Professor Snape comes over to check on me. "Ahhh, Miss Potter, what a perfect potion" Snape says surprised.
Today was our assesment day. We already answered 25 test questions and now we had to make a potion of our choice.
"I will take a sample of that and you are excused" He says taking out a small bottle. He fills the bottle up and closes the lid.
"Remember that you are to be back in here at 2:30 to find out who made the top of the class." Snape reminds. I nod before gathering my stuff.
I walk out of class and finish some homework until my next class starts. Which is Charms.
In no time, it is time for charms class. We have to answer alot of questions and write down a short essay on a few charms.
After class, we have the 'best thing ever' *Sarcasm*, O.W.L's.
We all have to sit through it for a full 3 .

I flop down onto my bed and groan. I had just finished my O.W.Ls. I was so tired. I thought i did horrible in the test but who knows until i get my results. Oh, i forgot to introduce myself! How rude of me, I'm Y/n Potter, a 5th year Slytherin. It was very surprising for everyone, even my house mates. I've gotten used to being in Slytherin now, but i hardly have any friends in my house. Daphne Greengrass is my best friend, who is in my house. Most of my friends are in Gryffindor so when they leave and stay in the Gryffindor common room, i can't help but to feel left out. My brother is known as 'the boy who lived' and i am known as 'The kid who got babysat by their former DADA teacher while their parents got killed by The Dark Lord'. I'm kidding....kind of...
Well, its true, while my parents got killed, i was being babysat by Remus Lupin. I don't know why though....

By the time i finished my lunch it was 2 o'clock. I was chatting to my friends for nearly the whole time.
I still had half an hour until i find out who got the highest score.

It is now time for potions and i walk to the class. I sit down in my seat. For some reason we have to sit in alphabetical order by lastname...
Snape soon walks in and stops infront of his desk.
He picks up a stack of paper, probably holding the results.
When i recieve my paper i read over it.
This here was my results for the whole year. I wonder what i got.

When we are excused, i rush back to my dorm in the Slytherin quarters.
I flop down on my bed as my room mates do the same, all reading their whole results.
I read my own and notice nothing but top scores.
At the end it has a note.
Please come to my office at 3 o'clock

I look at the time which is 2 minutes to 3.
I get up, wondering what he wanted. I walk to his office and knock on the door.
"Come in" i hear.
I open the door and see Snape at his desk with someone standing infront of him.
"Congratulations Miss Potter and Mr Malfoy" Snape starts.
"You are the top 2 students in 5th year. You are now prefects!" Snape says standing up. He hands us our badges.
"Miss Potter, good work! You are the top girl in your year! You gave gotten the top results" Snape congratulates.
"Really? Wow" i say amazed.
After we leave, i rush to Harry and his friends. He was talking to Seamus Finnigan, Hermione and Ron.
"Hey guys! Guess what?!" I say out of breathe.
"Whats up Y/n/n" harry asks.
"I am Slytherins prefect!" I smile.
"Wicked, with who?" Ron asks.
"Draco" i reply.
"Oh not that snobby Slytherin, i really do feel sorry for you" Hermione says.
"Well, Ron and i got Gryffindor prefects but i missed out from some bloody know it all, smarty pants girl from top student!" Hermione says annoyed.
" i got that" i mumble.
"I got top student" i whisper.
"Oh, i didn't mean what i said" hermione says quickly.
"No, no, you did. You are just jealous" i say.
"I am not, it's just not fair!" Hermione says.
"Whats not fair?" I ask.
"Oh, so now you are showing your true self!" Hermione says loudly.
"You really are a Slytherin, now we all know why you were sorted into that snobby evil little house" Hermione shouts.
"Do not talk about my house that way! Well, may be we are snobby and evil but we are nothing compared to you!" I shout back. People gasp and start to gather around to watch what happens.
"What?! You are the evil one" he says.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night" i sing.
"I should of got top student for our year! I am the one who worked hard! Not you, me!" Hermione said.
"Hmmm, funny, cause i am the one who got it" i say smirking.
"Shut up you arrogant foul" Hermione says. How rude....
"No mudblood" i say shaking what hermione said before. I turn on my heal and run away.
I run outside and to the blacklake.
A few tears run down my face as i look out at the beautiful scenery.
Had i just lost one of my best friends?
Am i going to be her friend again?
Is she really that angry at me?
I didn't do anything.
"Why?" I whisper. I soon hear fast foot steps coming towards me.
"Hey! Y/n! Are you ok? I saw what happened" The familiar voice says.
The persin sits next to me. I look to my right slightly and see a patch of blonde.
"I- yeah, uh- no, i- i don't know" i mumble.
"I guess Granger was just mad and jealous, it isn't an excuse from acting that way towards me" i say.
"Yeah, she had a very bad tantrum and did not accept that she didn't get top spot" Draco say.
I nod.
"But...are you ok?" He asks.
"Yeah" i say.
"Uh- i forgot to congratulate you for getting Prefect before" i say turning to him.
"Same, sorry bout that" Draco says.
"Its fine and I'm sorry too" i reply.
"It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm happy im prefect with you" Draco said.
"Really? Well, I'm happy too" i say.
"And thank you for putting a light in my dark world" i say smiling.
"You are always welcome" he says.
"Remeber that if you are depressed, stressed or need help, i am always open to you" Draco said hugging me.
"Thank you for being here for me" i say.
"As i said, you are welcome" Draco says.
We say goodbye and part ways.
I wouldn't think Harry would aproove of me being friends with Draco. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Part 2-
I walk towards the hall. It had been exactly 1 year since the incident with Hermione. We were not enimies nor friends. We just ignored each other most of the time.
I was still friends with Ron though.
Half way through the year, Draco had asked me to be his girfriend. And of course, i said yes.
Harry hadn't suspected a thing....not until today though....
"Hey Draco" i said smiling at the blonde.
"Hi Y/n" He says smiling back.
"Are you excited for Hogsmeade?" Draco asked as i start to eat my breakfast.
I nod.
"Good thing the Gryffindors are leaving at a different time as the Slytherins, he won't see us together" I say.
After breakfast i walk with Draco to the Slytherin meeting point.
I wear this-

Once we arrive at Hogsmeade we walk around

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Once we arrive at Hogsmeade we walk around.
"I've always loved the snow" i say.
"Me too" Draco agrees.
After an hour or chatting we sit down on a bench. Hogsmeade was still full of beautiful snow, i never got too cold. I didn't need puffy jackets.
"Hey Y/n?" Draco asks.
"Yes Draco?" I ask.
"My face hurts" He complains,
"Oh really? Where does it hurt?" I smile.
"Here" Draco said pointing to his lips.
"Do you want me to kiss it better?" I smirk.
Draco nods. I pull him in by his shirt and kiss him passionately.
After a minute into our kiss someone very rudely interupts.
"Oi Malfoy! Get off my sister you ferret" Harry shouts pulling us apart.
He goes to punch Draco but i hold his wrist.
"Don't you dare touch my boyfriend" i threaten.
"Boyfriend?" They all ask surprised.
"You heard me, Draco is my lovely, amazing boyfriend" i say.
"Lovely? Amazing? Pa-lease. Y/n, Malfoy is a death eater" Harry says.
"Am i supposed to care? I don't care if he is a death eater, i love him and he loves me" i say.
"Hhhh, fine. I guess nothing stands in the way of love...just leave them Harry, they're happy together" Hermione says.
"Fine, Malfoy, if you hurt her......" Harry said raising his fist signing that he will hurt Draco if he hurts me. Which he would never do.
Draco nods and the trio leaves.
"Your brother is way too over protective...." Draco says.
"You should see youself" i said laughing as Draco glares at a boy who was looking at me.
"But your my girlfriend" Draco pouts.
"Have i told you i love you" i says looking at his soft eyes.
"Yeah" He says.
"And i love you too" Draco says pulling me in for a kiss.

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