Babysitters || Draco Malfoy x Lockhart's Daughter

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This was requested by @_Slytherin_Princess1, hope you like it!

You practically levitate out of bed, much too excited for the upcoming holidays. You chuck on a maroon Harvard sweater, although you'd only heard of it before, and wait at the bottom of the stairs for my friend. Finally she makes her appearance, slowly trudging down each step, half-asleep. Rolling your eyes, you pull her by the hand. "Come on Daphne, we need fooood"

"Morning love, how'd you sleep?" Draco asks, making space for you to sit.
"I barely did, I was too excited for you to spend the holidays with me" You don't waste timing starting to serve yourself food, you'd be laying awake for hours waiting till it was time to eat.
"I nearly forgot, you have said a word about it" his voice drips with sarcasm. You glare at him through your mouthful of jam toast.
"Don't even joke about that" You whine, knowing he's secretly more excited than you are.
You watch Draco struggle to tug his luggage up the stairs before the front door. "Nothing to see... oh look, you're shirt, it's nice, is it the name of a band?" Draco asks, moving the attention away from his strained efforts.
"I think so" You shrug, chuckling as you knock on the door.
"Y/NNNN" two voices echoes, footsteps thunder against wood floor boards.
"Oh no..." You mutter.
"Y/n... what is that?" Draco asks, stepping in front of you.
"Y/n!" A child squeals, fiddling with the door lock.
"Sofia! Mumma has somewhere to be right now, we don't have time for this" a woman pushes the child to the side, not faltering the toddlers excitement at all.
"Hey Y/n, remember you're babysitting so good luck with that" she laughs.
"What!? But I don't know what to do"
"Play with them, feed them, bathe them, make them sleep" she says, picking up her keys and bag. "There's wine in the cupboard above the fridge- actually no I forgot you're 17, we don't need you turning out like your father honey" she says, waving before running to her car and leaving as fast as she could.
"Welp" you begin, pursing your lips.
"They're like mini demons" Draco whisper, voice shaking slightly. You follow his eye line to your small cousins who starred at you from behind the closed screen door, waiting for you to greet them.
"They just want to play" You laugh, opening the door.
"Who is this?!" They run right past you to Draco, circling him, laughing in joy,
"That's my friend, his name is Draco"
"Come on- friend?" He pouts.
"They're 4! They don't understand"
"Can I touch your hair?" Sofia asks, making wild hand gestures at his hair.
"Why does she want to touch my hair? What do I say? What if she eats it?" He whispers, hiding behind my back.
"Have you never met a child?"

You turn on the tv for some background noise while the twins continued harassing Draco, circling him like sharks. "Look at this toy! It has so many colours" Zac shoves a small toy into his face.
"W-woww?" Draco inspects the toy, confused at what's so interesting about it.
"Look, Barwbie movie!" Sofia goes crazy, chanting that she wants to see the movie.
"It's only out in cinemas, sorry Sof"
"Then let's gooo" she whines, crossing her small arms and pulling an over exaggerated frown.
"Fine, why not" You break, shrugging. "You two ok with this?" Zac nods while Draco's eyes remain glued to the tv. "This moving picture is so artificial! Is this how some people really look like?"
"Draco, it's practically a drawing for kids full of colour and adventure"
"They can talk!" He shouts. "Are you hearing this or am I going crazy?"
"the cinema will shock you"

"I want to go to THAT movie" Zac cries, pointing aggressively at the new Paw Patrol movie poster.
"But we agreed to watch Sofia's movie"
"No, that movie's trash, we need to see that one" he stomps his foot.
"Zac come on, please watch the Barbie one, you'll like it"
"I don't wanna!"
"Uhh.. I didn't know what to buy when you said to get snacks so I bought one of everything that looked good" Draco says, walking back from the snack bar with a huge pile of food.
"You get to eat that if you watch the Barbie one" You whisper to Zac.
".....OK" He runs up to Draco, swiping a packet of cheetos from the bunch and running off towards cinema 7.
"Why's It so dark, this is scary Y/n, why did you bring me here" Draco jumps seeing the darkness of the entrance.
"Just keep walking, trust me"
"there's so many chair!" He gasps. "They looks so big and cushiony" we sit in our assigned seats and distribution the food. "Y/n..." Draco says, worried. "Tell me honestly, what happens when you push the buttons on the seats?" He gulps. "You don't get electrocuted or anything right" You grin, reaching over to press all the buttons on his chair, making it decline backwards. "OH MY GOSH IM FALLING" he cries, gripping onto my arm for stability.

"I'm hungry" Zac complains after the movie.
"You just spent an hour eating all those snacks though"
"I want nuggets" Sofia demands.
"Okkk, don't come crying when you can't finish your food though"
We order nugget Happymeals from McDonalds. You return to your table to find Draco cracking under the pressure of looking after the kids.
"Uhhh what's your favourite type of grass?"
"Green ones!" Sofia laughs. You place the two boxes of food in front of them. They squeal, opening it to look for their toy.
"What is that? It isn't a bomb right? They couldn't possibly put that in a children means" Draco panics.
"Isn't it pwetty? It's you and Draco, Y/n!" Sofia shoves a small drawing up at my face.
"No it's not, we don't look that hideous" Draco says, examining the drawing. "My chin isn't THAT big is it"
"Draco!" You slightly kick his leg from under the table.
"It's definitely... something"

"Dracyyyy I'm tired" Sofia huffs.
"I'll hold you" you intercept.
"No, it's ok, I'll hold her" Draco smiles, picking her up. She lays her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
"Ok... but not for long, we should get home, it's getting late"
Draco tosses Sofia onto her bed once we get home. "Draco!" You hiss.
"Why did you throw her? Is that how you're going to put your future children to bed everyday?"
"Little Draco would love being thrown at his bed, he finds it exhilarating"
"He wouldn't when he becomes concussed-"
"Y/n! Look! There's pictures of you on your magic box!" Draco says, pushing you out of the way to go see.
"It's called a tv"
"Why aren't they moving? Did something happen to them?"
"Just think of those as common still pictures"
"Why are all of them of your father?"
"Draco! My father's Gilderoy Lockhart, of course he was going to have this be all about him"
"Did I hear my name or something about how fantastic I am?" His overgroomed, glistening golden curls bounce as father struts into the room, positioning himself right in front of the tv to admire himself.
"I'm Draco, sir, it's a pleasure to finally meet you"
"I am the best aren't I?"

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