Sorry I Guess || Draco Malfoy x Reader

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A/n Hey besties I just read this from what, 6 years ago, and I hated it beyond words can describe sooo I edited the heck out of it and some comments won't make sense ✌️

Coming to Hogwarts I never expected this advanced, mystical world to have such extreme equality problems between some witches and wizards. I always expected these problems to be magically solved since, I mean, these people have magic; they must be advanced enough not to be squabbling over muggle-borns, half-bloods and the pure blood. It's my third year as a Ravenclaw and I hear comments about this left and right.
My stomach feeling as if it's digesting itself reminds me it's time to rush to the Great Hall. I place myself in front of the best looking food tonight next to Luna, my good friend who never fails to surprise me with her interesting personality.
"What are you getting up to tonight?" I ask Luna, seeing she's immersed in an odd looking book.
"Nothing really, I think I'll just stay in and read," she says softly. "you?"
"I've been waiting to send a letter to my father so I won't be back to the dorm until later" Feeling finally satisfied with how much I've eaten, I excuse myself and retreat to my dorm quickly.
After putting on the much appreciated coat and scarf, my hands clutch the cool and dry smooth letter, protecting it from the sprinkles of snow. I don't want to spend the whole night in the cold and I can't lie, I'm low key scared someone's watching me since it's so dark and late.
I warily jog up the stone stairs. My breath catches up, the icy air slightly choking me. "Sorry!" I peep, noticing I've been gasping loudly for air. "It's fine" the other person in the Owlery says.
"Oh it's so, maybe you should stop looking like a fish out of water and get out of this space, mud blood" it's little brat Malfoy, just what anyone needs to brighten their day..
"Maybe you should mind your own business and shut your mouth every once in a while"
"Who asked for your opinion?" He sneered.
"Everyone's thinking it, trust me"
"I don't care." He says, crossing his arms.
"Then why are you still here talking to me" I roll my eyes, sending the owl away with my letter.
"To put you in your place" he says sizing up.
"Look little man, I'm a half blood; not that it matters" I sigh. "You can't go around calling out people you believe to be lower than you, by doing that you're actually screaming that you're not it"
"Shut up. You think you're so special talking back to me, but no one loves you not even your parents" he grins like he's made a breakthrough. "I know you come up here every alternate day to send letters to your parents, but I haven't seen you receive a letter back in.. how long? a week? months? 3 months?"
Malfoy always finds a way to make any day worse. That kinda hurt too. Sure, home isn't exactly amazing right now with their refusal to respond to me after their favourite son left the second he turned 18 to Australia. They've been broken, and it's only painfully etched that they don't exactly care much about me unless I'm getting great marks, winning Quidditch games and is Prefect so they can brag to people.
Nope nope nope. Not going to cry now. Instead that glimpse of defeat is replaced by a burst of fury. "What's new?" I laugh. "You're right! Thanks Draco!" I say smiling. "I guess if I'm the piece of trash that would make you the king of the world huh!" I say with an overly enthusiastic tone.
"What are you doing?" He asks hesitantly, inspecting my face and body language.
"You goof! I love when you remind me these things" I laugh again. "Sometimes I forget how worthless I am"
I shut the act and remember who I'm wasting time on. "F (Word everyone knows that I won't write) YOU AND YOUR PARENTS DON'T LOVE YOU EITHER" I shout, laughing slightly at the end. I run out of the tower, suddenly filled with adrenaline and energy.
My legs carry me to the gardens littered with snow. I instinctively fall on the grass, laying there for long moments to take deep breaths.
"OUCH MY FINGER" I Yelp, feeling a heavy weight shift into it.
"It's not my fault you're insane enough to lay like a star"
"You better be thankful, Malfoy, how would I greet you without my middle finger" I say, showing him.
"O- I know you-" he goes to speak, trying to find his words.
"condolences to what you wanted to say, but I don't think I care so if you could just ya know.. pess off" I smile, sarcastically patting him on the shoulder.
"NO! I'll be quick, I'm sorry" he shrugs.
"Is this your first time every apologising or something?" I ask, offended at the simplicity and thoughtlessness behind the words.
"No.. I just used to have a thing for your friend and it's awkward"
"Oh?...I don't know how to respond to that" I say, not seeing a relation.
"Well not your exactly friend.." he says, digging a deeper whole. I eye him expectantly, just wanting him to leave.
"Well to be specific it was you, or is... but I'm sorry for what I said and the way I treated you"
"Are you just apologising because you like me? Like some little school girl? Or would you apologise to all the others you've treated similarly?"
"..I'm not sure about that"
"Then You Can forget about it, please just leave, you've said what you want; you can go" I collapse back onto the snow from my sitting position and sigh.
"Draco, are you crying?"
"then whats that noise?" I ask sitting up.
"Is that an animal?" I ask, pointing off in the near distance.
"A dog of some sorts?" He says.
"Like.. a wolf?" I say slowly, getting up as quiet as I can.
"We need to leave" I drop my voice to a whisper as the bushes rustle and the panting becomes apparent. Not knowing what else to do, I slowly walk towards the entrance of the hall I came from, pulling on Draco's arm to follow me. We shuffle to the safe but close location to the beast. I lead him to the library that's a few doors down and deep within Hogwarts enough to be away from that thing. I sigh as we see more lights and the light buzz of chatter.
"Yuck your hands sweaty"

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