Better || George Weasley x reader

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This was requested by Hollievs99, sorry if this chapter was bad or not what you wanted.

My heart stopped when I saw the castle. I come from a long line of Gryffindor but I never imagined Hogwarts to look this magical in real life.
A woman talked to the group of first years (me included) and explained what was going to happen. She lets us in, opening two massive grand doors revealing four tables decorated for each house. I'm so absorbed admiration that it feels like no time before I hear my name being called. "L/n, Y/n." I sit down on the small wooden seat. The hat sounds as if there's another person in my head, babbling to itself. Seconds later the hat startles me as it cries; "GRYFFINDOR!!!!!" I grin, and sit down at the cheering red and yellow table.
"Weasley, George" I hear being called. I look up and make eye contact with the cute boy now sitting on the stoll. "GRYFFINDOR!!!!!" I smile. He comes and sits down next to me. After the rest of the first years are sorted, the feast began. Endless amounts of unimaginable kinds of food line the table in the blink of an eye. "Hi, I'm George Weasley." The cute boy from before turns to me with a glimmer in his eyes.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n L/n." I say smiling. "Excuse the randomness of this question but do you like pulling pranks on people?" I ask after pausing.
"You already know me so well and we've barely exchanged more than 10 words."
I'm now in my 6th year and it's the beginning of the tri-wizard tornorment. People were talking about the yule ball ever since it was announced. I was nervous, not that I don't want to go alone that's perfectly fine, I'm just anticipating seeing George go with someone else.
It was just a Friday, I was calmly walking to the great hall for lunch. All of a sudden I am whipped around. A pair of soft lips meet my own, relaxing my tensed muscles. I feel two arms around my waist. "George?" I whisper, looking up into his eyes.
"Will you go to the yule ball with me?" He asks with the biggest smile I'm yet to see.
"I'd say yes to no one else but you" I say smiling back. I walk away squealing loudly in my head.
It was the hogwarts battle. I fought with all my might. I was not dieing today nor tomorrow or ever without putting up a fight. I was fighting with a few older people who had graduated from Hogwarts already.
George's P.O.V-
I don't want to die before proving my love for Y/n. If it comes down to it, I'll sacrifice myself for her safety. I am going to fight for her, for me, for us, for Harry, and for those who've fallen during the process. I'm high on adrenaline now, but Y/n and I've been dating since 6th year. I plan to propose to her after the battle, but first we have to get through it.
It was over, I try finding Y/n in the group of people who were trying to find their loved ones. Instead i saw Fred lying on a blanket. I walk over to him and notice he had passed. I sit down next to him and cry. I hug the lifeless body but start to hear a faint beating of his heart. I jolt up.
It was over and a mess. The immediate aftermath left stillness, silence, tears, despair, happiness, hope, relief, all at the same time. I weave through mourning friends, hugging siblings and those that are starring at a wall trying to process what just happened. I look for Y/n, hoping I don't see her lifeless form instead of her glowing presence. Instead, I reach my own family... crying, Fred lays on a dark blanket. My breath gets caught in my lungs and I suddenly can't remember how to breathe. I hug his body feeling defeated, in utter disbelief that he's actually gone. As Percy tried to pry myself away from him I feel a faint palpitation. "HE'S ALIVE" I cry to my family.
"Honey, he's gone, it's too late" Mum says, placing a delicate hand on my shoulder. Seconds later his hand twitches, then his foot. Ron watches in shock, recovering slightly to go look for help. Wait a second, where's Y/n? I look over the room again. "Y/n? Y/N?" I ask a little louder everytime. I swallow any worry I had as I see her getting healed. She had a long shallow cut on her leg. She was drinking a potion that would hopefully help it heal. "Thank you" she says to them. She looks up and notices me.
"George" her tired and pained face transforms into her radiant smile.
"Y/n" I say walking to her as she stands up. I hug her tightly.
"I love you so so so much" I whisper.
"I love you more" she replies.
"Hey, so I have realised that you are like my heart, if you die, I will die and I cannot live without you. I have loved you since the first day I met you and... I've been wanting to ask this question for a long time." I bend down on one knee pulling out the ring.
Her hands cover her mouth. "Y/n L/n, will you marry me?"
Your P.O.V-
My hand flys to my face, just to check if I'm actually real and that this is happening. For a second I thought I might've actually died. His question hung in the air as I tried to grasp what it means and take the moment in. A life of everything I've ever wanted flashed before my eyes.
"YES!!" I say before the pause gets concerningly long. "Sorry I took so long, I just got excited" He grins before pulling me in for a kiss. I bring my hands to his neck and he gently slides his arms around my waist, pulling me closer like he never wants to let go.

A/N- sorry if this chapter sucked but i tried.

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