Alive || Fred Weasley x Reader

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A/N: BTW, Fred doesn't die in this because I don't want him too.

This was it, the battle that would determine everyone's future. To make it worse, I just HAD to be the unfortunate person who is the child of Lord Voldemort. People fear me but who can blame them, I wouldn't trust me either. I hid it quite well for about a decade, considering I didn't actually know until a few years ago. So when my "parents" told me that I would be going back to my real parent, you could say I was shocked, not knowing I was even adopted. "Hi how was school? Great? Because you're adopted. Also you'll be going back to your real parent now. Who are they? I'd say they're nice. Psycho-manic, once dead, single dad! You excited? I really don't care right now but you are for sure never going to come back here, we don't want to die. Thanks hun, bye-bye!" Would be exactly how it went. Saying it scarred me is scratching the surface.

12 year old me would've never guessed that I'd be standing next to a... rather deformed man trying to conquer a whole world and kill my friend.
"This is it" I say, walking out to stand next to my father.
"Yes my dear, after we win" he takes a deep breath, savouring the moment. "No one will disrespect us" he replies and I nod. I see a student in the clearing and do the first thing that comes to mind. "Imperio!" I yell and the curse hits the person. At that second all hell broke loose causing mayhem and chaos to rip throughout the school.
There are now many death eaters, students of The Order and teachers fighting. I fight by myself for a while, but whether I'm fighting with my friends or with my father becomes unclear. Spells and curses were hitting someone new every minute.
"Protego Totalum!" I say, creating protection for myself as a curse flys at me.
"Locomotor Mortis!" I say locking the students legs. To finish it off I send a little Obscuro so they can't see anything. I know what I did to that student was harsh but he was a good fighter, I saw him kill a fellow death eater already. However, I can't help but feel guilty. I came into this not wanting to kill anyone, however much I hate my father for causing this, he's the only way I can get to know who I really am. How come he's now the one I want to kill the most?
After fighting for my life for several hours, I actually protected a few students from being killed. I even saved a teacher! Through no one saw me do it besides, the death eaters I oblivitated. Out of nowhere a curse is thrown at a student. With only milliseconds left, I block the curse, saving the student.
"Are you ok?" I ask, thinking that the curse had actually hit the student.
The person looks at me in pure fear. They slowly nod, causing relief to spread. Caught up in the moment, I forgot about the death eater.
"Traitor!" They scream at me, before throwing crucio at me. Too shocked to react, I stand there stunned before the curse hits me.
Pain spreads over my body the second the curse hit me. "Help!" I scream, tears streaming down my face. The student looks at me in shock. She considers something before turning around.
"No, Please! It hurts so much!" I cry. The girl runs away without hesitation. Heavy hot tears run down my face as the pain never ceases but increases by the second. I saved her life and she left me here, to die. It's like someone's trying make me loose faith in humanity. I'm so caught up in the pain that she left me that I don't notice someone entering the room. The pain is erased. I drop to the floor, my muscles weak as I shake out of tiredness. "T-thank you," I manage to say to the person who saved me. I wipe my eyes to improve my blurry vision.
"George." I smile in relief. He smiles back weakly. He's covered in dirt and ash, he's got circles under his eyes and from just one second of looking at him I know every part of him aches right now. Fred. I haven't seen Fred. I've been nearly everywhere and I haven't seen him. Godrick... please be ok.
I look around without sparing another moment. There were a few bodies, but no one I could help now. I cringe and sigh, wishing I could've done something different.

I feel a thunderous rumble through the ground, silencing the school. The air hangs deadly in the atmosphere, drawing me outside. Harris's holding who I assume is Harry Potter, or his body at least. How did it happen so fast? How could he have gone through with killing this child? I keep telling myself, at least my father is still alive, but would it be the worst thing if he weren't?
My attention spikes when I hear my name. "Y/N Riddle, Draco Malfoy, please join us." He says a little sofly.
I look at Draco before walking forward towards my dad. I look back at Draco once more, seeing he was following me. I give a small smile as he hugs me. I join the other death eaters in the mob of darkness.
All too soon Harry Potter jumps up, still alive and battles my father.
I see a small tornado and I cry out. "Father!!!" Tears run down my face wildly. I've never experienced such a conflict between wanting him here and gone. My heart feels like it's been tore in half, and I can't tell what I'm feeling but it feels horrible.
"Why???!!!!" I scream right in Potter's face.
"I don't understand, didn't you want him dead?" He asks softly.
"YESS..NO!!!! He was a horrible person and the reason everyone hates me but he was the only family I have so I have nowhere to go now." I scream loudly at Harry.
I storm back into the castle to find my boyfriend, Fred Weasley.
I go to a room where people are taking away bodies and healing people. I hear loud sobs besides from my own. I spot a bunch of all too familiar kind red heads a few meters away from myself. I walk over and notice Fred lying on the floor with blood on the side of his head. My legs stop moving as my hands fly to cover my mouth. I let out a series of muffled yet piercing sob screams. My tears are the heaviest I have ever seen anyone produce. Heavy beads of hot water run down my numb, frozen face. "How could I be so selfish! MY FATHER DESERVED MORE THAN TO MUST DIE" They roll uncontrollably, both the rants and tears, and I can't control my sobs. My breath chokes me."You know what?!" I scream at Ron. "Just kill me! Just kill me right now!"
Ron looks at me shocked by my suddern outburst. "No! I can't kill you, don't say that Y/n!" he says.
"Then I will kill myself." I close my eyes
"No, Y/N, it is too late, for Fred, for your father and in a way for you. Do not kill yourself. It will only make it worse. I know the truth is hard to take but you have to live with it, this is the new normal." Percy says to me softly, going to embrace my shaking form.
"No" I shake my head. "This can't be actually happening. He can't be.... Slap me George" I cry.
"Y/n..." He replies.
"George, you should've just left me to die" I sit next to him and hug Freds life less body. Tears run onto him and on my clothes. "I never saved you?" George says, putting a hand on my shoulder. The air is vacuumed from my lungs once again. That was the last time I saw him?
"I love you" I whisper. Nothing can exceed the feeling of dread and the pit in my stomach. His body shift in my arms. "Please don't take him away yet, I need more time please!" I bet, clinging onto him. A groan makes me jump away enough to see his eyes have fluttered open. "Fred" I whisper. This time my hearts stopped because it feels like we've all been given a second chance at life. "But you were dead" George says, unable to comprehend it.
"I was, but then I heard an angelic voice" Fred says, barely strong enough to sit up.
A light glowed in my heart at the sight of him alive and sound of his voice.
I hug him tightly. "Please don't leave me"
"I would never try"

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