An Unbroken Curse || Fred Weasley x Riya Pote

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This is a collection of letters between Riya and her mum. Bold and slanted is mum and slanted is Riya. This is the story in the form of letter-

'Hi Mum, today was my 10th day of 4th year, it was great :)'
'Hi Riya! Did you finally make a friend?'
'No mum, but no one bullied me, isn't that good?'
'Yes, it is Riya, don't you think it's time to make a friend? You've never had one'
'Ok mum, I'll do it for you'

'Mum, i can't make any friends'
'Why not?'
'Remember? That curse, i can't make any friends'
'It's only a curse if you believe it is'
'No its not, I've already tried not believeing and it didn't work'

'Riya, did you make any friends? Did the curse break? We can see a curse breaker'
'I already saw one'
'Oh Riya, there has to be someone out there that can break the curse'
'No mum, i don't think there is'

'Mum! Mum! Guess What?! Someone actually talked to me today!'
'Really?! Thats wonderful! Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of you'
'Do you think they'll become friends with me?'
'I'm not sure Riya, its hard to say, I'm just so happy, no one other than a professor or family member has ever talked to you'

'Mum, its the start of 5th year, and a horrible teacher named Dolores Umbridge has come to Hogwarts'
'Oh Riya, I'm so sorry, has anyone else talked to you yet?'
'No, the same person as last time talked to me once more 2 weeks ago, they said that it felt different talking to me, like skmething was pishing him away... do you think the curse is doing that?'
'I'm not sure sweetie, it may be but i think this boy is stronger than he thinks, no one has been able to be your friend'

'Mum, its nearly the end of the year, i got my first friend!'
'Oh my gosh...'
'Riya, I'm speechless...'
'I can't believe it mum, has he broken the curse or just sas strong enough to break through it?'
'Maybe... I'm not too sure, im just so excited that you made a friend, i started crying'
'Mum, i love you so much, you practically the only person i can always talk to'

'Hi Mum, i have some sad news...'
'Whats wrong?'
'That person i told you about... he left hogwarts.. forever...'
'Oh Riya, its ok, you'll find a new friend'
'Well, i guess that is true'

'Mum..I'm scared'
'Whats wrong? Is there something going on?'
'Mum... they killed him'
'They killed who?'
'They Killed Dumbledore...'
'Omg.. Riya.. i have to get you out of there...'
'Severus Snape killed him on the comands of The dark lord'

'Riya, a war is going to begin..'
'I know mum... I'm safe, I'm not a ravenclaw for nothing...'
'You do not know how powerful The Dark Lord is...'
'I do mum...I'm protected... its OK'
'It won't be ok but i know i can't stop you so all i can do is tell you to be safe'
'And something does happen... i love you mum, with all my heart and soul... literally'

'Mum! His back! The one i told you about, his come to fight with us! And Harry Potter, Ron Wealsey and Hermione Granger have returned, they are the bravest and most powerful students i know, they know what they are doing, their leading us'
'Thats great honey, love you'
'Protect your friend'

'His dead...'
'Yeah i know, I'm so proud of you, now his gone and there is peace'
'Not Voldemort... my only friend...'
'Oh Merlin... Riya... it'll be ok...'
'It not going to be ok, it never has been OK'
'He was my only friend Mum, theres not one like him... he was supposed to be the one to break the curse...'
'What was his name honey?'
'Fred Weasley'

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