f o r e w o r d

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c o p y r i g h t
I own all characters, events, cheesy dialogue, places etc. Don't copy these things or I'll be very angry. Also it's very illegal. So yeah. Don't do it. Don't do drugs either, I guess.

n o t e
This is my first time writing something like this so bear with me.

w a r n i n g
Story contains excessive amounts of:
-awkward situations
-cheesy pick up lines
-memes oh god so many memes
-so so so much cursing

d e d i c a t i o n
For pizza and meme lovers everywhere.
Also for my sister.
Don't read any of my books, sis.
Pls don't tell mum.

c a s t

Lily Collins asBlue Evans

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Lily Collins
Blue Evans

Daniel Sharmanas Gabriel "Gabe" Lynch

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Daniel Sharman
Gabriel "Gabe" Lynch

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