8:34 am [25]

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BLUE WOKE up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. He head was throbbing and she felt like she was run over by a train. Multiple times.

She looked around the unfamiliar room, and suddenly realized that she had no idea where she was. She jumped out of bed, tripping multiple times due to her leg being caught in the sheets, and rushed out of the room.

A cold breeze hit her legs and she looked down to realize she was wearing something completely different than what she left her house in. She started to panic and she ran back into the room, picking up the nearest weapon--this being a desk lamp--and trudged into the kitchen.

She snuck behind the whistling figure standing in front of the stove. The floorboard underneath her creaked and she swallowed when the man visibly tensed.

He turned off the stove, served the pancakes onto a plate, and turned around.

"Gabe?" She kept the desk lamp up as some sort of twisted sadness flooded through her.

Gabe took a deep breath and fell to his knees, "Fuck Blue in so so so so sorry I was such an idiot I shouldn't have been such a dick I don't deserve your forgiveness I love you so much you're such an amazing person and I hope that you can find it in your awesome heart to forgive a plebeian like me." he clapped his hands together in a praying position and pouted, giving her his infamous puppy dog eyes.

"You ignored me for days. And then called me a bitch. It really hurt." Blue lowered the desk lamp and Gabe saw the raw hurt in her eyes. She cleared her theist and Gabe got up from the floor, "Why am I here? Where are my clothes?"

"You were at a party and I went to pick you up. You were covered in tequila and completely wasted." He saw the question she didn't want to ask written all over her face and he felt sick to his stomach. "And no. I didn't have sex with you."

"Where are my clothes? I wanna leave."

"Aren't you gonna stay for breakfast?"

"Go to hell."

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Gabe pressed his lips together. It was a force of habit to say flirty things, but it certainly wasn't the time for that.

"Gabriel fucking Lynch..." Blue looked at Gabriel and she felt her heart thaw. She couldn't hold a grudge. Not against him. "I love you. Not as friends. I love you like...more than friends. You really hurt me, but so has everyone else I've ever met. At least you were decent enough to apologize."

Gabe saw the look on her face and took another breath, "Blue I'm so sorry--"

"Shut up, you big goof." She closed the distance between them in one step and kissed him. She could've laughed at the feeling of sparks that followed his touch around her waist. She reveled in the familiar feeling of warmth and the terrifying, but exiting twist of her heart. Like she was free falling to earth from the stars and she couldn't care less that she was going to hit the ground.

Gabe pulled her close and she tangled her fingers in his hair. He bit her lip, and she parted her mouth, dropping the desk lamp to the floor. But neither of them cared. Well, Gabe cared a little. It was his favorite desk lamp.

"Hey Gabe, the door was open so--YES!"

Gabe and Blue jumped apart and whirled their heads toward the door, where George stood, smiling widely.

"FRED OH MY GOD GLUE SAILED ITS CANNON." George ran off screaming and came back with Fred. Gabe was startled to see that they were actually twins. It was like all his life goals had been accomplished.

"What do you say we get out of here?" Gabe offered his arm to Blue, who hooked her elbow with his.

"I should probably change first," she found herself smiling and unable to stop, "so that date? Right now?"

"Hell? Definitely. I'd go anywhere as long as you're there."

"Relationship ENDED." Blue laughed as she unhooked her arm from Gabe's.

"But it just started!"

"I DON'T DATE CHEESY NERDS." Blue started to walk away but Gabe grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

"Why don't we order a pizza?"

"Large Pepperoni penis?" She laughed and brushed her lips on his cheek, at this George and Fred squealed.

"Oh, shut up." Gabe kissed her again and Blue smiled against his lips.

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