11:23 pm [4]

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Blue- Italic
Gabe- Bold

"Well well, if it isn't Blue the Velociraptor, the only girl immune to my charm."

"If I'm Blue the Velociraptor, who are you?"

"I'm Owen, duh."

"Uhh I don't think so...Owen is actually hot."

"You've never seen me!"

"I'm judging a book by it's lame pick up lines."

"My pick up lines are way better than yours."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Okay let's do it."

"Do what?"

"Pick up line battle."

"...I actually only know and use really cheesy pick up lines."

"Those don't actually work."

"With this face they do."


"Hurtful...I don't think my poor heart can take anymore of this.."

"You're right, I'm an asshole I'm sorry."

"Was that sarcasm? 'Cause I can't tell."

"I'm not that heartless!"

"I think I'm gonna have to call off the wedding..."

"Gabby nooooo!"

"Sorry [sniff] this is too much."

"Wait you're kidding right?"



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