#5 - Liam (CLEAN) for 1Dhappy

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Today was a good day. It was officially Liam and I's 6 year anniversary. We'd been together since we were both 16 and since then our relationship has gradually grown and we have become inseperable. I have to admit, life with a superstar boyfriend was difficult. There were times where I just wanted to be normal, spending time together like a regular couple cuddling up on the couch whilst watching tv. But we could never do that. Liam was always busy. Sometimes I would spend months alone in our house, not that I'm ungrateful. I love Liam to the moon and back, he had given us a life most people could only ever dream of. But now, I was at that time in life where I just wanted to settle down and start a family. I was 22, not getting any younger and Liam hadn't even proposed to me. I must admit, it hurt watching the other members in his band get married to girlfriends they had only had for a couple of months. Harry was the only single one left. 

I was hopeful that tonight would be the night. Liam had arranged a night out at the flashiest restaurant in London. He sure knew how to make a girl feel special. It was 6 o'clock, and here I stood, three dresses sprawled across the bed as I stood over them, hand on chin. I was meeting Liam at 8, because he was going straight from the studio. I stood for a good half hour before deciding to wear a short red chiffon dress with black pumps. I was nervous, expecting the question, but part of me knew that it wouldn't happen. It had become a regular feeling. Every year. I desperately wished that we could finally be an engaged couple, but no. He never asked me. It was beginning to make me feel like he never wanted to move forward in our relationship and part of me couldn't handle being stuck like we are now.

After what felt like a lifetime, I was finally ready for our dinner date. Excited, I almost skipped out of the house, before jumping into the car. I happily hummed along to "Can We Dance" by The Vamps. I couldn't wait to see my wonderful boyfriend. It was rare that we got to spend some quality time together. I smiled to myself as memories of our time together came flooding to my mind. I don't know how I got so lucky. Liam is one of a kind. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

My aimless thoughts nearly made me miss the turn off, but I managed to make a last minute manoeveur to get to where I wanted to be. After finding a park, I took one last glance in the mirror, applying some lip gloss before taking a deep breath and stepping out. Flashes blinded me instantly, I was used to it though. I held my hand up to my eyes, but smiled sweetly, ignoring questions as I briskly walked into the restaurant. I walked up to the desk and smiled as the young male greeted me. "Evening madame" he stood up. "Hiya. Table for 2. Payne" he nodded, eyes widening as he realised who I was and who I was meeting. He quickly rushed to my side before gesturing for me to follow. I nodded sweetly. He stopped at a private table in the corner, a beautiful boquet of red roses in the middle. "Here we are" I furrowed my brow. Usually Liam would be the one to arrive before me. Strange. 

I smiled at the lad, before he left in an embarrassed hurry. I took a seat, pouring myself a glass of the fancy champagne on the table. I sipped away. Anxiously watching the clock. Soon enough, I had finished my first glass.

I waited.

And I waited.

It was now 9:56pm. I was angry.

I stood up, furious. I stormed out of the restaurant. Ignoring the staff members calling after me. Swinging the door open, I walked outside, the cool air biting my cheeks. The paps were quick to swarm around. "WHERE'S LIAM" one yelled. "DID HE STAND YOU UP?" they kept going "LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE JUST THE BIT ON THE SIDE" that's it. I turned around and looked at the person that yelled that, pointing at him I yelled. "Fuck off, you idiot. Do something better with your life you stupid twat" I shook my head before turning around and storming into my car, angrily slamming the door and speeding off. 

When I got to the house I walked in, slamming the door and practically running to the bedroom. I got undressed and put on one of Liam's shirts for comfort before climbing into bed and letting the tears stream down my face. I howled into my pillow, the tears falling harder after each minute passed. He had really done it this time. 


A few hours passed, and still the tears fell. I had managed to calm down a bit, but I was so hurt.

The front door suddenly slammed and I heard that wonderful deep voice speak.

"Hello?" he called. I ignored him. Crying silently.

Within seconds, the bedroom light was on. 

"I'm so sorry" he sighed. "So so so sorry" he pleaded, climbing onto the bed next to me.

"I tried to get away, but I couldn't, and my phone was dead and I just..." he groaned, placing his head in his hands in frustration. "Please talk to me" he looked over at me, my back facing him. I didn't want to look at him or talk to him right now. I felt his weight shift, lying directly behind me. "Please" he whispered into my neck, making my hairs stand up all over my body. "I love you so much" he ran his hand down my arm. "Baby, Please" he was being persistant. He really must be sorry. I sighed heavily, before turning around in his arms to face him. He half smiled at me, making me look down. He was quick to pull my chin up to force my eyes to meet his gaze.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. I bit my inner gum. "I wanted tonight to be perfect" I whispered. A tear falling down my cheek. "It still can be" he replies. I shook my head. "Liam, it's midnight now, I sat for hours waiting. Waiting for you. To hear from you. Anything" he cringed, as if in pain from my words. "I would never have done that intentionally baby, I never would hurt you willingly" he stroked my cheek. I smiled half heartedly, before turning around away from him again. "I just want to go to sleep, Liam. Let's talk in the morning" he kissed me on the cheek briskly before climbing off the bed and turning off the big light. 

I heard him leave the room. 

I was taken by suprise when suddenly the beside light next to me switched on. I opened my eyes quickly, only to be met by Liam's intense gaze. I knelt on the bed, shocked. He was on one knee, holding a mssive diamond ring in a little box. 

"This is a joke, right?" I spoke, slowly. My words shaky. 

"Baby. You are my whole world. I want nothing more than to spend each day of forever as yours. I want to grow old with you, as your husband. I want to be able to call you Mrs Payne. Marry me?" he smiled sweetly. 

I put my hands to my mouth. Stifling a scream. "YES!" I beamed.

"Really?" he asked nervously, chuckling slightly. 

"Of course, yes!" I yelled, jumping into his arms before pulling him away and letting him slip the ring onto my finger. 

He pulled me into a tight embrace, placing multiple kisses on my lips. 

"Forever and ever, baby" he whispered into my ear.

That usual spark flew threw me, giving me goosebumps.

It was in this moment, that I knew it was going to be Liam and I against the world.



Here we go 1DHappy!
I am sooooo sorry for the wait!

I hope you like it! :)

I'm currently writing everyone's requests, I have been on holiday so I'm sorry it's taking a while!
Please keep voting!


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