CHAPTER 7 I get saved!.......not (Raph pov)

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I ran as fast as I could over the roof tops to club 21.

It was snowing lightly and the sky was black with gray clouds.

l found the club and entered the dark building, surprisingly it was warm and not a flake of snow was on it.....

Luna.... she's doing this.

Luna can control heat, that's how I know it's her.

I got my sias out then remembered I don't have the other one and anger filled me

'i'm going to kill her' 

I looked around each room carefully thinking she could be in any corner in any room just waiting for me.

After about 10 minutes I heard a sound and hid in a shadow, waiting to attack what ever or who ever was there.

Something moved past a door I was by and I rammed into it slamming it against a wall


"what?" I said confused and dropped him

"Raph what are you doing here!?" Leo yelled at me coming out of the hall

" Me! What are you doing here?!" I yelled back.

"I asked first "

Donnie and Mikey were just watching us fight like a tennis match

" I'm here getting my sia back!"

"And it never came to you that this could be a trap?!"

"Of course it did that's why I was in the shadows!"

 suddenly a wave of heat came over us like a strong summer breeze

"Oh that's just great" I said sarcastically and followed where it came from

"where you going?" Leo called after me

"to get my sia back!"

they ran after me.

Luna is awake and I never wanted her to meet my brothers

I never knew why though, maybe she would flip out and attack them.

She is a great fighter and when startled, deadly.

I've seen it before, she got surprised by some kraang and completely destroyed them piece by piece with her dagger.

Then suddenly music played


I knew the song well, Luna loved it.

I looked at my brothers to see Mikey dancing, Leo gripping his katana like he was going to be attacked( which could likely happen.......whoa..... I sound like Donnie.) and Donnie looking around and saying how this was impossible

"but, how? April said this place was abandon?"

Luna must be doing this....and where there's Luna, there's my sia.

I ran down the halls following the music, my brothers behind me

"Raph! Slow down!" Leo yelled to me.

After about two minutes of running I lost them but I can find them again, the club isn't big.

I followed the song to the dance floor to find it working and Luna looking bored messing with an ipod.

'She has an ipod?' I thought to myself.

She smiled and looked down with her eyes closed

"yes, I have a ipod" she said laughing at me

"But this" she said holding up the ipod so I could see it "reads my mind and plays songs that match my emotions." 

"That's great, now where's my sia?" I demanded.

She pulled it from her belt and waved it around

"You have to take it from me" she teased.

my anger boiled "Fine!" I yell at her and got in my spot.

She smiled and looked up from her least she looked at me.....

"deal" she walked in front of me and got ready to fight.

She put my sia back on her belt and got her knife out

"why are you not fighting with my sia?" I said confused, and of course she just smiled

" because, then it's to easy to get to, and we wouldn't want that now would we?"

 I looked at Luna remembering what she said and to my surprise, she was right.

Then I did something I never did before

I strike first.


SORRY! it's pretty bad but i'm tired so don't get mad me! I will update soon!.....maybe

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