the mind reading ipod (Mikito pov)

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The marathon ended about five minutes after we heard Donnie yell for help "Guys we got an emergency!!!"

We all ran in the living room to find Leo, Mikey, April and Donnie standing around Raph, who had......a his arms?

"Ummm...who's that?" I asked them and they stared at me, then Raph for an answer

"yeah...who is this Raph?" Leo said a bit annoyed.

I heard a gasp as Sophie ran past me "What happen to her!" she yelled staring at the girl.

She had long black hair, pale skin,and from what I saw she was holding Raph's arm like her life depended  on it, she was wearing a black tee shirt with red paint (or so I think paint) splatters, and dark jeans, with black and white converse.

The boys looked at Raph for an answer to Sophie's question, but Mikey answered

"She jumped in front of Raph and got a dart in her arm!" he yell 

"hmmmm.....the shot seems to have been filled with...what looks like poison, but.....she's just asleep." Donnie added examining the dart/shot thing.

Raph walked over to the couch and set the girl down, I never seen him so gentle with anything before, except spike Raph pet turtle.

Raph tried to stand, but the girl held his arm and didn't want to let go. I was the only one who noticed this

"awww that's so cute!" I said in a baby voice.

Everyone turned to Raph and smiled seeing him struggle trying to get free

"A little help?" he asked

"will you tell us who she is?"

Raph shook his head

"I already told you I don't know!"

"you knew her name" Donnie pointed out

"yeah, and that's about it.."

Leo and Mikey turned and walked into the kitchen leaving him. 

I watched Raph struggle to get free with Naomi helping him, Donnie was looking at the the dart/shot thingy and Sophia was treading the girl's shoulder. After Raph was freed we went to get pizza that April had bought.                                                                                                                                

I was eating pizza and playing video games with Mikey while Leo was yelling at Raph for answers.

"Who is she?"

"Is she a mutant?"

"have you known her long?"......and so on.

Raph did answer some of them. I went to hear him explain

"OK! OK!" he yelled over his brother peppering him with questions

"all I know is her names Luna-"                                                                    

"we got that" Donnie interrupted 

raph gave him a cold glare

"and" he continued

"she can control heat and stuff like that.....She did say once that she was a mutant.... and...."

"and what?" Donnie interrupted again

once again Raph gave him a glare.....

"and something iPod that.......reads her mind or something like that"

We all just stared at him in disbelief 

"dude" Mikey said confused

"have you lost it?"

Raph when over and smacked mikey up side the head

"I'm telling the truth!" he yelled

"wait" Donnie said thoughtfully

"if she has an iPod.....then I can get some information on her using the chip in the device to-"

Raph's turn to interrupt " Great! I'll go get it!" 

He walked over to Luna's side opening a pocket on her belt I didn't notice till now.

As he handed it to Donnie it started to play I gotta feeling by Black eyed peas. I know because that's what it said on the screen.

It started to get louder and louder. Me and Mikey danced to the song, ran around, and tried to get everyone to dance with us.

"press the pause button!" Leo yelled over the music 

"I am!" Raph yelled pressing the iPod over and over, he yelled and slammed it on the wall. It fell out of his hand and clattered on the ground.

"whaaaaat?" me and Mikey wined

"oh Luna's going to kill me" Raph said nervously and picked it up. But as soon as he touched it the thing when crazy.

Flashing on and off in different colors in a fit as different songs played, so it sounded like....

"I gotta feel-I'm falling to-Where have you been all my-POUND THE ALARM!!!!!" 

I fell on the floor laughing as Mikey tried to dance to every song that came on.

Raph dropped the Ipod and the music stopped

"come on!" Mikey yelled at him

"we want music!" He picked up the iPod. It started to play 'please don't stop the music' and Mikey danced to it.

He set it on the table and the music stopped

"oh come on! the songs name is please don't stop the music!" he yelled and picked it up again, It played were it left off

"Please don't-"

he put it down and it stopped

A curious smile found its way on his lips......that smile scared me...

he picked it up and down over and over again so it sounded like

"sto-p the m-usic it's get-ting la-te making my-way over- to-my fav-orite place"I laughed.

"please stop" Donnie said as his eye twitched in annoyance 

I had an idea..

"MIKEY!!!" I yell in his ear

"WHAA!!" he yelled in surprise and dropped the IPod

I grabbed it before it hit the ground "my turn!"

'this used to be a fun house' it played and I sang along with Mikey

We had our own music party till we fell asleep.


 Sorry is all i can say but HUGE SHOUT OUT TO SapphireMoon_ and every one who commented!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!     now i'm going to bed cause it's like midnight and i have school in the morning :(   

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