I meet the turtles (Luna pov)

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I was re-living me saving Raph like a song on repeat playing over and over again.....

"twenty five......" I counted out of boredom as the memory played out again.

When I first woke up on the ground...wait can I call it the ground in a dream?.......if this is a dream..

well whatever it is, I woke up and the first thing I saw was a flash of what I think was light.......not from a window.....but from behind a crate......

when I went to investigate it wasn't there....But when I looked away.......out of the corner of my eye...I can see a face in the light.... It was to blurry to make out but I had a good Idea of who it was...

suddenly the ground shook like an earthquake. I fell to the floor and was thrown to the left slamming into a wall.

"OW!!" I yelled feeling a HUGE headache and....was..the memory speeding up? ........it was.....

Faster and faster until I could see the whole thing in a second, then.....Black

I didn't dare open my eyes. I felt warm and I was laying down on something soft......a bed? no.....smaller.....a couch?

was I back with the kraang? no..... It smelled different.....I couldn't put my finger on it....

I felt something messing with my arm...no someone..

I opened one eye slowly only to see a lime-green colored eye staring at me

I did the simple thing anyone would do.....I screamed

I kicked up throwing the person and a blanket that was covering me, hit the ceiling, and fell back down

I rolled off the couch before I could be squashed by the person and looked around to see who it was

"Raph!!!?" I yell in shock

two more mutants came running in the room one with a blue mask and the other with a teal mask. my eyes widen and I back up I remembered the blue, not a teal.

"what's going on in-" Blue stopped when he saw me "...here?" he finished in confusion

"I have no idea" I answer him looking back and forth between the blue and teal turtles standing in front of me in a mix of confusion and fear

Four more came out all with mask on, pink, orange, purple and....

"Naomi?" I ask even more confused then before.

"wait.....what happened to me?" I think to myself. Raph groaned in pain laying on the couch snapping me out of my thoughts

'oh yeah......oops..' I thought feeling guilty

I stepped toward him and Naomi got out her weapon, the others followed

"stay away from our brother..." blue growled at me 

"oh crap"

I didn't have time to think things over, he was cornering me like a mouse and he was a hungry cat.

Flashes of the kraang when they first captured me ran through my mind as my fear grew.

I had my knife....I could attack him. He raised his sword and my fear took over.

With out thinking, I jumped.

I tackled him to the ground using the back of my handle to knock him out cold.

"Leo!" the teal one yells


The Orange one yells and runs toward me.

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