An odd morning... (Luna pov)

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Splinter let me sleep in his room after my little incident and I told him all about my life and the Kraang but I left out the part about my friend being held in a Kraang lab and a few other details I was to embarrassed to say like how I want to stay with the kraang

I got up and my best guess was it was like one a.m or midnight...

why am I up but my whole body want's to sleep? easy,

it's my stupid internal alarm clock

Have you ever woken up really early for like school or something then once you could sleep in on the weekend you woke up and couldn't go back to sleep? that's me...

and trust me, I am NOT a morning person...

I decided to go for a run If no one was going to wake up soon

I slid opened the door and almost slammed into a turtle

"whoa!" I heard him yell

I quickly clamped my hand over his mouth to muffle his yell

"shh" I said quietly then pointed at Splinter sleeping

he got the message and backed up while I closed the door

I turned and finally got to see which turtle he was...

It was Leo...

"what were you doing in there?" we both asked at the same time

"shhh.." we both said again

I rolled my eyes and walked quietly into the kitchen. he followed

I open the fridge and get a water and when I close it and turn Leo had his sword at my throat

"talk" he growled at me

"all I remember was being knocked out by you" 

He placed the sword under my chin but I saw him flinch

"are you ok?"

"your more worried about me and I have a sword to your throat?"

"well I know you would never kill me"

he flinched again and lowered his sword

"fine" he said giving in and put his blade back in it's holder

His head hurts...oh wait......I did that....


I grabbed another water bottle and pulled out my silver flask

"what's that?" he asked 

"medicine" I said adding a drop of the glowing blue liquid in the bottle

"Medicine? what kind of medicine?"

"the best medicine in the world" I explained gently swirling the water and watched it glow a faint blue

I poured it in a glass for Leo to drink and handed it to him

he just sat there looking at it

"well" I said handing it to him

"how do I know you didn't poison it?"

are you kidding me?

"you didn't kill me, so why would I try kill you?"

he just looked at me

I sighed in frustration


I grabbed another glass and poured in some of the water in 

"I will drink some too and if we don't die then I didn't poison it"

he looked at the glass then me then the glass debating if to drink it or not

he slowly took the glass 

"now we drink at the same time okay?"

I nodded

"cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye" I said copying the motions from my little pony

He just looked at me like I was crazy which I AM NOT!!....  i'm insane 

"that means I promise"

he nodded 

"ok one....two...three"

we both took a sip

as soon as the liquid touched my lips I was filled with power

I was filled with the feeling of cold but not like frost bite but a good cold like a cool night breeze

I opened my eyes after the feeling left and saw Leo shaking and hugging himself  trying to warm up

I couldn't help but laugh

"w-w-what's s-so f-f-f-funny?" he said trying to speak

"here" I said walking over to him and giving him a hug

he tensed up but slowly relaxed as a heated up the air around us and pulled back


he nodded 

"how did you do that?"

"do what?" I ask puting the glasses in the sink and the water in a pocket in my magic belt that never runs out of room

"heat me up"

all I did was look at him

"do you want to go for a run?"

" A what?"

"A run...on the roof tops....that's what I do when I wait for people to wake up...and to think"

"hun...sure...If you can keep up"

"is that a challenge?"

" I believe it is"

"ha! bring it"


Leo pov

okay I will admit... Luna is pretty fast...

" Pretty fast!!" she called from ahead of me

" I am way faster then you!!"

"so what!? speed is nothing if you have no balance!" I yelled at her

all she did was laugh

"you want to see balance? here!"

she jumped off the roof grabbed the power lines and threw her self landing on a bill board and jumped to the top balancing on it and kept running

it was..what 10 in. wide?

"seven!" I heard her yell

we ran until the sun came up

when we came back to the lair I was completely out of breath and sweaty Luna was too but she was just breathing a little hard while I was sucking down big gulps of air

"where were you two!" I looked up to see every one completely ticked and Splinter walked up to me

"Leonardo I would like to speak to you..."



hey guys! so what do you think the blue liquid is?

who is the friend I will not reveal?

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