pink cat-tastraphe

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Luna pov:

"SUMMER!!" I yelled for the fifth time as another explosion went off in Donnie's lab and Summer yelps

the only one she listens to now is Naomi

if Raph tried to hurt her, there was going to be a big crater in the concrete wall

she didn't listen Leo or Sophie and only a little to Donnie because he was right and saved her from exploding about three times

but she loves Mikey and Mikito

..mostly Mikey

"SORRY!" Summer screamed as Donnie chased her away..with a broom?

 I grabbed it as it was in his hand and they both watched me break it in half like a twig with my hands

"got it?" I growled at Donnie

he nodded quickly and ran back into his lab

do I feel bad? ha! not even a little..

"wow.." Summer said looking at the pile of wood at my feet

 "I knew you were scary"

"hey people get ready for!- what is that?" Mikito said pointing to the wood in my hands

"Mikito no!" Naomi yelled and tackled her sister to the ground but it was to late

I knew Mikito's powers and a few she didn't

we waited...........nothing happened

"ummm what?" Summer asked confused

"when I point at bad things happen to that thing" Mikito explained

"like what bad things?" she asked a little scared because her fur was poofing up


an explosion in the lab scared me and my power spiked setting the wood in my hands on fire and I quickly dropped it, almost setting Summer on fire. Summer screamed and dived behind the couch as pink smoke filled the room

"cough-is every-cough cough- one ok?" Donnie's voice said after the smoke cleared a bit

"Here" I said unaffected by the smoke,being a fire controller has it's perks

"cough cough- not here" Mikito said weakly

"here!" Summer said behind the couch

" here" Naomi said last

the pink smoke had cleared  and pink dust covered every thing like a bomb went off

"that's why I don't point" Mikito said to Summer trying to flatten her super poofed gray fur now tinted pink


Raph pov:

"hey what-Naomi!" I yelled rushing to help her

"what happened? it looks like a pink bomb went off"

"thank you" Luna said leaning on the wall breathing heavy

I helped Naomi up and walked her to the couch

"i'm fine hot head" she said waving my hand away, but gave me a small 'thank you' smile

I kissed her forehead and walked over to Donnie, who was trying to clean up the mess of pink

"what happened!?" I yelled at him

"it wasn't my fault! yell at the fur ball for touching my stuff!" Donnie said pointing at Summer still hyperventilating on the couch

I heard Luna growl by my side and Donnie backed up a little with a scared look on his face

"well it's true! she tried to get to my pink dust containers I was using to make a new-"

"dumb it down before speaking please" Luna interrupted

"ok..smoke bombs, I was making smoke bombs and she bumped the shelf making it unstable and it fell...and pink bomb here"

"whoa Donnie!" Mikey said behind me 

"we understood you!" he yelled happily

"idiot" I muttered

out of the corner of my eye I saw Luna crack a smile

I watched her before she noticed and pushed me away playfully walking past to Summer, who finally calmed down

"well I was going to see if we were ready to go out for patrol but clearly not" Leo sighed walking in with Sophie close behind

'wonder where they were..' I thought walking over to Naomi

'in Leo's room' I heard Naomi's voice in my head and looked over to see her smiling and watched Sophie walk by to help clean up

I just sat next to her

'doing what?' 

she looked at me and face-palmed 

"your hopeless.." she sighed and curled up to me

"you love birds gonna help or what?" Luna asked wiping the walls off with a wet rag

I sighed and Naomi growled at Luna but smiled 

"speaking of that, where's your love bird?"

Luna's expression immediately went dark and when I challenge her at some thing

wonder what's going on between them..


it's shorter but I felt like I really needed to update so here you go!

vote comment and follow!

oh and love TMNT!!!!

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