in the lab

139 14 1

Luna pov


I thought as I tried to sit up but pain shot up my body

I looked down at myself and saw a blade of old wood sticking out of my side..

The pain was so great I started to cry

It must have killed me then stuck as I was brought back to life

'At least it didn't heal into my skin...'

That was true..

I tried quickly pullung it out and it worked

Blood started to trickle down and soak my clothes

my bag was in reach and I grabbed it fishing out the medical kit and started pattching up my wound

'if he finds out about this i'm never going to hear the end of it..'

I grabbed the medicine Riley made and drank a sip..

As soon as the substance touched my lips cold filled me... which was very rare for me

I couldn't drink a lot, that would be suicide..

And it was dangerous enough drinking it like this

I mix it with water or an other drink to 'water it down', but the water bottle was smashed between to rocks and I wouldn't dare drink it mixed with dirt..

I got a good look around my prison and saw there was no way to get out but a tunnel that led into the lab...

The other way was closed off with rocks and rotting wood

I looked at the tunnel

' this place won't last long...better go' I thought as a stray rock fell from the ceiling

I can find my way out....hopefully

Riley pov

"LUNA!!!!" I screamed as she fell

'your fault your fault!' a voice screamed in my head

Naomi looked directly at me when I yelled after her

now as we walked down the hall into the Kraang lab she tried her best to keep up with me as she watched me with wonder

she knew I was there...but how? I know she heard me yell but that wouldn't change me being invisible

'who are you?' she asked again

I ignored her and walked even faster to about a jog

she of course followed

this was more annoying then not being able to point out Donnie's many mistakes with his mutagen experiments...C=W7-32? really don? it's 15 not 32 idiot..

just then..


I ran after the sound

" slow down Naomi!" Mikito yelled

 she didn't

I ran into a split path

'which path? which path?!'

 "try right!" Naomi yelled at me and ran

I ran after her

I should have turned left....why is every thing in my life Doctor who or Sherlock related?


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