out of the lab

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Luna pov:

"Open you stupid door.." I voice growled ahead of us followed by a soft thud

"Leo?" Mikito (who was ahead with Mikey joking around) said confused

me and Donnie(who were talking about the best way to kill a kraang bot) shared a confused look 

Leo the lonely leader was sitting on the ground at the foot of door five by the looks of my kraang map and just kept hitting the door softly...or just to tired to hit harder

 he jumped up to his feet

"oh hey..um Luna! you found her!" he yelled nervously

"yup! who's awesome now!" Mikey said loudly pumping his fist in the air

"uh, I found you because you were too loud" I pointed out

he's smile faded and turned to me

"it's funny when you steal Donnie's joy but not mine.." He muttered sadly

Mikito patted his back

how are they not dating? there as clueless to love as Sherlock!..not Riley just..you get what I mean

"move" I said to Leo and he did

I punched in the code

 '1793..' I said quietly

 I walked in only to meet a room full of kraang

"oh dang" Mikey said behind me before the fight started


Riley pov:

I woke up in a new cell twice as big as my old one...with a giant gray tiger looking over me

' your okay! I thought they killed you!' 

I didn't move..

"if they killed me why would I be in a bed?"

"wait..I'm talking to you.."

'yes you are and I didn't know what to think! they shot you and brought you here with me!

'wait I was shot?' I looked down at my shirt and saw another big burned hole

" second shirt..." I mutter putting on my other spare..hey I come prepared

"so your not a mind reader..."

'why would I be? that's impossible'

"never mind, who are you?"

she looked hurt..

'Riley it's me! and what's going on! you left me hiding and these people....I ran away and fell in a big pot of something green and here I am' 


'yes and your late' 

"don't blame me! I was drugged! just how is the question.."


I looked at her


'a gas..that's what one of the robots said..they said it would effect you fast and that they would capture the 'turtles' what do they want with turtles? how did they get here? a pet shop?' 

 I smiled 

I forgot how Sommer could be

"they mean human turtles, they look human but the're skin is green and have shells" 

'oh...' she said in a small voice

"yup, come on" I said walking to the door

' tried that ' 

 I put in the code but it denied it hmm...

I looked at it closely using my powers

 the kraang have no body heat but have cold traces 

new code: 8...0..2...5

it opened

'cool' Sommer said behind me 

"literally" I laugh

we walk into a big room with a fight going on..

Sommer growls behind me 

I look for a weapon

a big metal pole is beside me


I join the fight


Luna pov:

a few minuets after the fight started I was out in seconds

my wound reopened and I was hiding hoping to would heal fast

I kraang spotted me and walked up it's gun pointed at me

"help..help! help!" I yelled but it was too loud for the turtles to hear 

I backed up against the wall terrified

I shut my eyes tight waiting to be killed 


the kraang dropped to the ground beside me

I looked up to see a very mad Riley but it was replaced with a smile

"I told you that kit would help" he said looking at my wound

a shot flew past nearly hitting him but he blocked with a big metal pole

where did he get that?

the giant tiger I saw earlier was fighting too

"Naomi,Sophie and Raph are in the cell to your left the code is 8025 Go!" he yelled before his image wavered and like that cat in wonderland he disappeared, his smile last

I ran to the cell dogging bluets and punched in the code

it opened and there stood three very shocked turtles

"don't just stand there! fight!" I yell at them 

Raph ran in but Sophie and Naomi helped guard me

all the sudden 


a mutagen can cracked open and soaked the poor giant tiger

"No!" I yell running toward it but Sophie holds me back

in the confusion the kraang run

the tiger's form shrinks as we all watch

in it's place a girl was past out on the floor

I pushed past Sophie and ran to her

she now had the body of a girl my age with shredded up clothes, gray hair with a strip of a darker gray in it, cat ears on the top of her head and a long stripped tail

I look at her...she was Sommer..my best friend

"we need to take her to the lair!" I yell picking my metaphorical sister up 

no one argued

I heard cops in the distance coming closer

we ran out and slipped into the sewers heading home

but I didn't let anyone touch Sommer

if they hurt her...I will tear down every kraang building I see...that's a promise



I think it's horrible how about you?

oh before I forget I thought I would make a story connecting to this one but it's like Riley's personal book and adventures..what do you think?

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