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*Merlin's POV*

I walk over to the curtains of Arthur's window, looking at him and smiling for a moment before ripping them open, letting the sunshine of a new day brighten up the whole room. As expected, a grumpy groan came from Arthur.

"Rise and shine, sire!" I say happily, walking over to the side of his bed.

"Go away, Merlin, I've nothing planned today." the King places a pillow over his head to cover up the blinding sunlight.

I blink in confusion. "I thought you had a meeting?"

"No, why would I?" Arthur drowsily asks.

"Are you sure you're not forgetting something?" I ask, genuinely confused as to how he has nothing planned.

Arthur sighs and lies on his bed in silence, re thinking his schedule. Suddenly, he jolts up from the bed, looking worried. "Merlin, what time is it?"

"Half past eight, why are you-"

"It's Guinevere's birthday today and I almost forgot," Arthur explains quickly as he gets himself dressed behind the screen.

"Have you anything planned, sire?" I ask as I bring him his clothes.

"Of course I have something planned, Merlin, do you I'm a bad husband?"

I smile and don't reply. No, you're a great husband, Arthur. I just wish I could experience that first hand.

"Well?" Arthur asks, emerging from the screen fully dressed. "Do you?"

I shake my head. "No, sire."

The king stares at me and narrows his eyes. "Are you feeling okay?"

I nod quickly. "Of course, sire. Why do you ask?"

He walks closer to me until he's about inches away from my face. My heart starts beating faster and I look away. "Something's wrong."

"Why would you think that?" I ask nervously, inching backwards.

Arthur only walks at the same pace, following me. "You're acting strange."

"Don't I always act strange?" I laugh, trying to get him to stop worrying.

"Well, yes, but..." he stops walking, to my relief. "Not Merlin strange,"

I don't say anything, avoiding eye contact. "You should get to Gwen," I say quietly.

"Merlin, please tell me what's wrong. Did I say something?" I shake my head. "What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything Arthur, stop worrying," I smile. "I just really need to take a walk and think right now, if I'm dismissed."

The blonde king stares at me for a while, inspecting my face. Finally, he nods his head and gestures for me to leave. "Come back whenever you're ready."

I bow and turn to leave. "Thank you, sire,"

As soon as I'm out the door, I let out a deep breath. I need to get better at lying.

I start walking towards the stables, intending to ride in the forest and think for a bit. I run into Gwaine and force a smile. "Sorry, Gwaine!"

The knight just laughs and pats me on the back. "I swear, you bump into me at least thirty times a day," he says as he walks away.

I smile and head for the stables once again, my head swirling with thoughts.

As soon as I get on the horse, I'm riding quickly towards the woods, feeling as if I can't breathe in Camelot at the moment.

*Arthur's POV*

I sigh as I watch Merlin ride off almost urgently towards the forest. I wonder what that was all about. Merlin never acts that odd. I hope it was nothing I said.

I do say a lot of awful things to him and don't even notice.

I hear a knock at the door and turn from the window, walking towards the door. I answer it hopefully, only to be disappointed to see Gwaine.

"Hello, Gwaine." I nod and smile at my old friend. "Is everything alright?"

The knight hesitates to answer, and I know something is wrong then. "Come in," I say immediately, and Gwaine gratefully enters. He stands before me, looking quite worried.

"Tell me what's happened," I say, the thought occurring that I've said that twice already today.

"Have you noticed anything wrong with Merlin lately?" Gwaine asks.

I look at him in surprise. "He did seem a bit off today..." Gwaine nods, looking slightly more worried. "Why? Is he alright?"

My friend looks at me and nods, obviously forcing a smile. "Yes, don't worry, everything's fine, Arthur." he starts to head to the door, bowing slightly. "Don't worry."

Before I can stop him, Gwaine is out the door. I sigh in frustration. Why is everyone keeping all these secrets from me? And why am I suddenly so worried about Merlin?

I hope he's alright.

Gods, he better be okay.

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