Chapter One

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*Merlin's POV*

I sit on the shore of a small river, staring into the water and practicing small magic on it. I watch as the water becomes different shapes; a horse, a castle, Arthur.
I keep the last one floating a bit longer than the others. I feel a warm tear slip down my face unknowingly and I wipe it away, ashamed at myself. Why do I think I have feelings for him? He's the bloody king of Camelot, and he already has a queen. Besides, even if he didn't, it would be highly doubtful that he would feel the same way.
I hear horse hooves on the dirt and quickly drop the water, causing a small splash in the river. I turn to see Gwaine on his horse and shake my head.
My old friend just walks over and sits down next to me. "Feeling alright?"
"Not at all, thanks." I answer, voice breaking and tears filling my eyes.
Gwaine turns to look at me and his expression softens when he sees my face. He offers a hug, and I gladly take it, crying into my friend's shoulder.
After a few minutes of this, I pull away, sniffling and wiping away my last tears. "Sorry,"
"Don't be sorry, Merlin." Gwaine says with a sad voice. "You need to get this out sometime."
"Stop feeling bad for me, Gwaine." I say, looking at the river again. "I shouldn't have told anyone."
The knight looks at me in disbelief. "Merlin, you can barely hold it together after you've told me, what would you do if you had to handle this alone?"
I sigh and pick up a smooth pebble, skipping it four times across the water. "I guess,"
"I'm really glad you told me," Gwaine admits, skipping a pebble just after me. "This really means a lot to me."
"Because now I know you would trust me with your biggest secret. That means more than you will ever know," Gwaine smiles at me.
"Of course I trust you," I throw another pebble. Two skips. "I'm just glad you accepted it,"
Gwaine nods. "I know you would do the same for me. Besides, love is love. It's not your choice who you fall in love with."
"No, but I wish it was," I mumble.
My friend sighs. "Arthur was really worried about you after you left,"
I shake my head. "He was! He wouldn't stop asking if you were alright, I practically had to sprint away for him to stop."
I laugh and skip another pebble. Five. "Doesn't mean anything."
"It means he cares," Gwaine suggests. I smile and shake my head, when suddenly we hear yelling coming from all sides.
We both get up and Gwaine draws his sword, putting his arm protectively in front of me.
"Bandits," I say under my breath, as they surround us with knives and swords.
"You're on our campsite," one of them hisses, holding a sharp knife with a twisted blade.
"We're on Camelot property," Gwaine shoots back, stabbing at the air towards the group in front of us. They step back right away. My friend laughs, probably thinking they're all cowards.
Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my back and I fall to the ground. My world already starts going dizzy.
"NO!" I hear Gwaine yell, and someone gets stabbed right away. The rest of the bandits take off, too frightened to end up dead like their friend.
"No, no, no, Merlin stay awake," Gwaine holds my head with his hands, panicking. "Merlin, stay with me."
I blink slowly, registering what had happened. My back aches with horrible pain. My eyes start to close.
"No, Merlin, stay awake, please." The knight pleads, his voice breaking.
"SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE!" he yells into the empty forest.
My mouth opens as I try to say something, but nothing comes out. "Merlin, please don't do this." Gwaine begs, tears streaming down his face. "Not like this. Please."
I struggle to keep my eyes open, looking at my panic stricken friend in front of me. "I'm sorry..." I whisper as I close my eyes, unable to keep them open any longer.
"No. No, Merlin, please." Gwaine yells as everything slowly goes black.

*Arthur's POV*

I narrow my eyes as I hear horses clomping their hooves hurriedly against the ground. I look at Guinevere, who shrugs, having no clue who might be arriving.
"One second, my love," I kiss my wife on the head before checking to look outside the window.
As soon as I see who it is, I'm filled with relief. It's Merlin and Gwaine.
"It's alright, it's just-" I stop mid-sentence and it feels like my heart stops. I immediately sprint out the door, heart racing.
"Arthur?" I hear Guinevere call after me, but I ignore her.
As soon as I get to the square, I see that it's true. My faithful knight, Gwaine, stares at me, face stained with tears and eyes full of sadness.
It can't be true. I shake my head in disbelief, hoping and wishing and praying that this is just a dream.
Merlin is dead.

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