Chapter Six

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*Merlin's POV*

I stumble out of the tavern with Gwaine behind me. He puts his arm around me to keep me from tripping and I laugh. "Merlin, why did you drink so much?" he asks, concern in his voice.
"What are you talking about?" I laugh, slurring my words.
"You can't drink away your problems," he tells me as we walk back to Gaius' chambers.
"Problems?" I shake my head, almost bumping into a wall. "I don't have any problems,"
Gwaine laughs. "Yeah, sure, buddy."
He leads me to my chambers and I don't even realize anyone else is in the room until he says something.
"Merlin," I turn to see Arthur standing next to Gaius, who looks suspiciously guilty.
I stare for a moment before hiccuping. "What do you want?" I ask, words slurred again.
"Is he drunk?" Arthur murmurs to Gaius, who sighs and walks over to me.
"Gaius! You should come with me to the tavern sometime," I laugh, hiccuping. He leads me to my room.
"Lie down," he instructs, and I clumsily do as I was told.
"Why is Arthur here?" I ask, quickly drifting off.
"Rest, Merlin." Gaius covers me up and leaves the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

*Arthur's POV*

"Does he have a drinking problem I don't know about?" I ask after Gaius leaves Merlin's room.
"He tends to over do it when he's upset," the physician explains.
I sigh. "Are you sure about this? It doesn't seem like Merlin would.. you know... like me."
Gaius laughs. "Sire, he's liked you since day one."
"Seriously?" I ask, smiling slightly.
"Of course," he sits down at his table. "Now what is the 'something' you were trying to figure out?"
I clear my throat, hesitating. "I can't like him back... right?"
"What do you mean?"
I pace around the room. "I mean, I have a wife and queen. I can't possibly have feelings for someone else."
Gaius says nothing. "I know what love feels like, Gaius, and I don't love Merlin."
He rolls his eyes. "Describe it to me, then."
"What? Love?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. He nods. "Well... love is when a person always sticks by the other. Love is when two people will trust each other, no matter what. Love is never leaving their side, taking care of them when they're sick...." I trail off, noticing Gaius smiling. "What?"
"You do realize you just described everything you and Merlin do for each other." he pats me on the back, still smiling.
"What?" I shake my head. "No, that's not... I can't love a man,"
"It is against the law, yes, but so is knighting a commoner," Gaius points out.
"But-" I start, then stop to think for a moment. "Gaius, am I in... love with Merlin?"
"I believe so," he smiles.
"I believe so, too."

Hey guys! Just wanted to say thanks so much for all the support I've gotten for this story! I would really appreciate some feedback, this is my first Merthur fic. :) Thanks again!!

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