5. You wear your best apology

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By the time Karlie goes back to her apartment is pretty late. She has spent hours walking around the beach and thinking about what happened with Taylor. She knows that she hurt her and she was harsh with the writer but she was tired of seeing everybody around her take Taylor's side. She also went to a dinner to grab a burger since she wants to distract herself a little bit from what was happening around her but it wasn't the best idea. People in the restaurant recognize her and she discovered that her incident with Taylor has been a pretty big deal, more than she thought because she has never experienced so many looks and whispers around her. She orders the burger to take away and goes back to her place, hoping that her place would be quiet by the time she arrives. Jourdan is gone, her car is not parked there anymore but Caras and Derek are still there. She finds her friends sleeping on the couch with the tv on. They probably decided to wait for Karlie and fell asleep while they watched a movie. She feels tendered by the scene, she knows that her friends are really worried about her and stayed because they wanted a honest talk but karlie is not ready for it. That's the reason why she is at the same time annoyed by them staying, she wants space and time and they are not giving it to her. She hasn't even processed her conversation with Toni yet. She grabs Olivia and calls Joe before going to her room where she locks the door. Usually she doesn't do it but the last thing she needs is one of her friends waking her up early. She needs to rest, at least for one night.

However, one more night karlie doesn't sleep well. She keeps dreaming with encounters with Taylor where they tear each other apart as soon as they can. They fight and they even kiss some times as a make up but every time Karlie wakes up feeling her heart about to jump from her mouth. She spends some time snuggling with her pets before deciding to leave her room. She can hear people talking downstairs which mean that her friends are still there. She takes a deep breath before finally taking the courage to go to the kitchen where she finds Derek cooking and Cara reading the press.

-Hey- Karlie says waving her hand a little bit.

-Good morning girl- Cara says with a smile but Derek doesn't seem as happy as her.

-Hi- he says before keeping cooking lunch.

-We are making brunch- Cara says excited, Karlie doesn't know how she never loses her good mood.

-You mean I'm cooking brunch right?- Derek protests.

-Talk with him please- Cara asks to Karlie- he's been grumpy since we woke up.

-He's a grumpy old Dady and we can't do anything about it- Karlie joked trying to light the mood.

-Oh great so now you want to joke- Derek says dryly.

-Hey drop that attitude ok? I'm trying to  be nice- Karlie says crossing her arms pissed.

-Yeah whatever- Derek snaps going back to cooking.

-What is wrong with you?-Karlie asks.

-You- Derek says going straight to the point- we spent here hours waiting for you and you didn't even bother to answer our texts, we fell asleep and we only knew you were safe and sound because the door of your bedroom was locked, I've had to cancel an interview to be here today so I'm sorry if my grumpy mood is bothering you my lady.

-I didn't ask you to stay here or to cancel any work- Karlie reminds him.

-See this is what we were talking yesterday- Derek says finally focusing on Karlie- you are like someone else since Taylor came back into your life because you are reprising your feelings and avoiding to face the truth.

-Which is?- Karlie asks even if she doesn't want to hear the answer.

-That you still have feelings for her or that you have a really unsolved problem with Taylor- Derek explains.

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