7. Your guard is up and I know why

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-How is Kristine? And the baby? What about Karlie?- Austin asks the moment Taylor puts a foot inside her house.

-They are fine guys, there were some complications but at the end they are fine- Taylor explains sitting on the couch exhausted- the baby is cute and they are all happy.

-Oh god, that's a relieve- Selena says hugging Taylor by surprise.

-Yeah... it is- Taylor nods before asking something that has been in her mind all night- so... how bad was that I ran away last night? Are you still mad at me?

-Do you want to talk about this? Aren't you tired to deal with it now?- Selena asks, she can sees Taylor's dark bags under her eyes.

-I just had a coffee so I can sleep later- Taylor says- how bad was it?

-Well let's just say that they weren't really happy about you leaving without any explanation from your own party so I told them that you had a familiar emergency but then they asked about Austin not going with you so I had to made up something else and they believe it.

-So they are not going to kill me right?- Taylor asks.

-Luckily for you not- Selena smiles- I'm good at my job so you owe me a big one.

-What about you?- Taylor asks hugging Pongo who just appeared in the living room from the backyard.

-Well let's just say that I wasn't happy when you left the party- Selena says being honest- but then Austin told me what was going on with Kristine and the baby and how you wanted to be there for Karlie no matter what and well... I wasn't angry anymore.

-You change your mind because everything was a mess?- Taylor asks confused not getting what Selena meant.

-No, that's not the reason, I mean of course I was worried about them and I understood why you drove her to the hospital- Selena explains- but it was the way you wanted to take care of her, how you stayed all night and called Austin asking for clothes... it's... I don't know I forgot the rest because it was you doing something for somebody else without expecting anything in return.

-So?- Taylor asks.

-You are learning to do things just because your heart tells you so- Selena smiles- that's amazing Taylor, and well I've seen everything you have went through and I know how much this means.

-You are getting emotional over this so I'm going to sleep right now- Taylor says getting up from the couch.

-And you are back to your rational self- Selena laughs- rest, you need it.

-Thanks- Taylor smiles.

-Taylor?- Selena calls her before she leaves.

-Yeah?- Taylor asks.

-I'm proud of you- Selena admits.

-Thanks, it means a lot- Taylor smiles before going to her room with Pongo to take a long nap.


It has been a week since Karlie and Taylor saw each other for the last time. After spending all night together at the hospital Taylor has decided to give Karlie space. She doesn't want to push her since she wants Karlie to spend time with her family which means not calls or texts in that time. After the mess of leaving her own party Taylor had also dealt with the publishing firm and specially with Dianna who is kind of furious with her. Taylor tried to keep Selena's lie and explains why she had to leave them but an apology doesn't seem to be enough. She has to promise to go to a couple of public events in order to compensate running away. It also helps the fact that Derek's coverage of the event is good, nice and says a lot of cute things about Taylor. The writer knows that Derek has been so soft because he knows her and for what she did for Karlie because other reporter would have teared her down for disappearing like she did.

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