15. Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs

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-Who called you so early?- Taylor asks rubbing her eyes.
-It was Derek- Karlie says going back to bed.
-The interview?- Taylor asks snuggling against her body.
-Sleep, we can talk later- Karlie says closing her eyes.

She's still processing what's going to happen and what Derek told her, so she's not in the state of mind to talk about it, but with Taylor by her side, it's complicated to avoid it.

-I'm already awake- Taylor insists.
-Okay Okay...He is coming tomorrow for the interview- Karlie explains rolling over to look at her.

Taylor is silent for a couple a minutes, making Karlie realize that her girl maybe not be ready at all for what's coming.

-Are you ready for this Taylor?- Karlie asks rubbing her cheek.
-Yeah... I'm nervous that's all, I don't know what to say or what he's going to ask- Taylor admits blushing.
-Relax, he's on our side- Karlie says trying to calm her- he's going to ask about our story and we are going to tell the truth, that's all.
-Even the ugliest parts?- Taylor asks not sure about what they can or can't say for the people to read it.
-Especially the ugly parts- Karlie sighs- Look this interview is to help people understand us, it's a way that they discover what we went through and why we are together, no matter what... Toni is not a victim, I broke up with her the moment you came back to my life and we have been through a lot before dating again... it's been hard and people need to get it before judging us.
-I understand- Taylor nods, still not really sure about that interview.
-It's going to be fine, we have all the time on the world to make this interview, Derek is not going to rush anything, he wants to help us ok?- Karlie assures her hugging her closer.
-Okay- Taylor accepts.
-Now sleep, it's early- Karlie says but before she can even close her eyes Pongo jumps over the bed- oh come on! You are too big to snuggle with us here Pongo!
-Let him stay, come on- Taylor asks with a pout.
-We need a bigger bed if this is going to become an habit- Karlie sighs before she let Pongo lay between them.
-Don't be so grumpy, you love us- Taylor jokes.

-I do, but that doesn't mean that I'm gonna let him sleep here every day you stay ok?- Karlie warns her.
-Okay, I'm not going to spoil him, I promise- Taylor says unable to keep a straight face while she talks.

Karlie rolls her eyes and snuggle against her girl. She's not going to argue because of Pongo because she knows how happy Taylor is having him always around. Last week have been a little bit crazy, but also quiet, it was kind of awkward for both of them. The moment they decided to do the interview together, the talk with Selena and Jourdan and decide that they need to lay low until the interviews comes out.

The problem is that even if Derek is editor-in-chief of his magazine, he can't do whatever he want, which means they need to wait a week before doing the interview and at least another one til it comes out. Taylor is not happy with that schedule. She can't focus on writing because she spends most of the day thinking about what to say how people is going to process all that information. Karlie tries to calm her down, they are just going to tell the truth and talk about their feelings, even if she knows Taylor is not the best at it. Two weeks mean they need to stay away from paparazzis and the press, to achieve this they decide that dates away from their places are impossible, they seep using security every time the need to go out or drive from one house to the other and stay at home most of the time.

Karlie doesn't take it as bas as Taylor, since it means she can rest and spend time with her girlfriend. It's true that she needed a break from acting, but after all this mess, all she probably would do once everything is under control would be going back to work. Cooking, watching movie, sunbathing and having sex are their hobbies those days, but after a week waiting for it, the day has arrived, Derek is going to interview them. The editor told them that he wants to talk with them before taking any photos, since that way they can't decide how the session will be so it fits their story and feelings properly. Taylor starts shaking the moment she opens her eyes that morning, but luckily for her, Karlie is kind an expert on relaxing her so she stay calm until Derek knocks at the door. They lock eyes for a second before Karlie kisses her forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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