10. And this is when the feeling sinks in

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Karlie is the first to open her eyes the moment her alarm breaks the silence of the room. She quickly turns it off since she hates the sound of it, it means she can't sleep any longer. It's only when she turns around to sleep like another five minutes more when she realizes and process she is not alone. Taylor is deeply asleep by her side, her blonde hair falling all over her face. Karlie wants to move her hair so she can see her face but she also knows that she could also wake Taylor up. Instead she touches her own lips, still lingering from last night kiss. It was a longer kiss than the one they shared back in Los Angeles but they didn't do anything else than kissing. Neither of them wanted to take things a step further and regret it in the morning after all they talked before they went to bed and especially because they still had alcohol on their systems. Once they broke the kiss, which they only did because they needed some air, they just laid looking at each other until they fell asleep. Karlie decides to let Taylor sleep a little longer, after all when she saw her phone they have barely been sleeping for three hours. She gets up and takes a long shower, even if she probably would run late because of it. She needs some minutes under the hot water to process her own feelings. Since the moment Taylor appeared at the studio everything was kind of perfect until they started talking about their feelings. They both like each other, there's no doubts there but they know it's complicated and a risk to start something again. The problem is that now that they have kissed, neither of them are sure to be able of just being friends like they were before. By the time she leaves the shower is at least awake and the moment she watches Taylor rolls over the bed she can't help it but smile. She takes a moment to stared at her, thinking about how things have changed, have both of them have changed. She wants Taylor there for the next couple of days and maybe it will help her to understand what are they feeling. She grabs her clothes and quickly gets dressed before packing her purse but the silence in the room is broke by a voice on her back.

-Hey you- Taylor says her voice still hoarsely scaring Karlie on the process.

-Good morning sleepy head- Karlie smiles turning to look at her.

-Come back to bed- Taylor asks snuggling against a pillow.

-I can't, I have to go to the studio- Karlie reminds her.

-Right- Taylor nods realizing that Karlie is already dressed and ready to leave- I can change quickly to go with you.

-Stay for a little longer- Karlie says sitting on the edge of her beds side- we barely slept more than a couple of hours, I have to go to work but you can stay here sleeping and come later to the studio.

-You sure?- Taylor asks suddenly the idea of being alone in Karlie's room doesn't seem comfortable for her.

-I am- Karlie smiles brushing a lock of hair away from her face- I didn't wake you up because I wanted you to rest a little longer, I will talk with the studio security so you can get inside today too ok?- Taylor nods and just feel the contact between her skin and Karlie's hand since the actress didn't move her hand away after brushing her hair- I forgot how cute you look when you wake up.

-Come on! It's too early for flirting, my mind is not ready to process it- Taylor complains covering her face with the pillow.

-It's never too early for flirting- Karlie laughs- but I have to go now or I'll be late, like I said rest and come over later ok?

-Okay- Taylor mumbles throwing away the pillow to look at Karlie- have a great morning.

-Thanks- Karlie says before she leans to leave a small kiss on her cheek without thinking- see you later.

The moment Karlie leaves the room, Taylor turns and falls asleep again. She's really tired and the only reason she wakes up four hours later is because her phone starts ringing non stop. At first she ignores it but suddenly she remember that she's in Toronto, where she wasn't supposed to be and picks it.

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