9. You showed up just in time

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Taylor has been on a cloud since the small kiss Karlie gave her before parting for Toronto which happened a week before. After the conversation they had at the bathroom Taylor was kind of sad and hopeless about them being more than friends. It was true that Karlie said she was doing things right but after almost a year being back in her life Karlie still didn't trust her what didn't sound optimistic at all. She barely slept that night, even with the alcohol hitting her system the only thing in her mind was that conversation and how both acted after it. However, her visit to Karlie's place the next day changed everything, a kiss was the last thing she expected but Karlie did it. She started it and even if she admitted it was all she could give Taylor at the moment it was enough for the writer to believe that there is still hope for them.

As promised, Karlie texted her when she was safe and sound in Toronto but Taylor only texted her back a smily face. It was one of those rare times where Taylor was speechless, not sure of what her next step around Karlie should be now. The first time they started dating was different. They hook up and that was it, they were suddenly dating but now everything was a thousand times more complicated.

The first days of Karlie in Toronto are busy as hell since moving the production from one country to another it was never easy, especially with a whole ocean between those countries. Karlie has fittings to do but she also needs to learn a lot of choreography for the action and fight scenes which only leaves her a short period of time during night, before she goes to sleep to talk with her family and friends, included Taylor. At first Karlie doesn't want to call of FaceTime Taylor because she knows it's going to be weird. She doesn't regret the kiss but she knows she has changed their dynamic for now on so for a week they only text. Texting allows them to think what they are going to say next and to control their emotions.

Taylor's mood has changed so much that even at the publishing firm they have realized that there's something different in the writer and it doesn't take Selena long before she asks. Obviously Taylor doesn't want to talk about it but Selena gets enough to know that it's about Karlie.

-Come on! Tell me what is going on- Selena insists one night while they are waiting for the pizza to arrive- what did Karlie do?

-I'm not going to talk about her ok?- Taylor insists- I still haven't figure it out.

-So something happened- Selena guesses.

-Stop ok?- Taylor warns her- don't push me with this... I need to process everything at my own rhythm and we are just friends ok? That hasn't changed.

-Okay okay but whenever you feel ready... I'm here ok?- Selena offers.

-Thanks Sel- Taylor smiles before focusing on the movie again.

That same night Karlie has finished shooting a little earlier so instead of going out with other crew members she decides to go to her hotel room and rest a little bit. She orders some room services and takes a long bath before finally lay on her bed with a tray of really yummy food. She grabs the remote to turn on the tv and watch a movie but the truth is that she can't focus on it, her mind is somewhere else, with someone else. In that same situation back in Australia she should had probably called Taylor to talk and enjoy a night off but now she wasn't do it because of their kiss. She stares at the NASA jacket she has over her desk for a while before making a decision, she can't let what happened interfere between us. That kiss was supposed to be good, it was supposed to be a gesture that show Taylor that she is starting to trust her again that maybe... they could be something again. She grabs her phone and finally dial Taylor's number.

Selena and Taylor get scared by how loud Taylor's phone rings in the middle of the night. Taylor moves to grab the phone and Selena doesn't even need to ask who's calling when she sees her eyes shinning. Taylor apologizes and leaves the living room quickly to reach the privacy of her room before Karlie hangs the phone.

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