13. In the dead of night, your eyes so green

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-Can i post this picture?- Karlie asks with a fool smile looking at the picture Taylor just took of her playing with the sand.

-If that means turning the internet no- Taylor reminds her- we said no phones, just us.

-Okay okay- Karlie accepts laying by her side again- you always keep your word?

-Always- Taylor laughs kissing her cheek.

After their first date in the island, Karlie and Taylor made a deal: no phones for the rest of the trip, only for pictures. That means that the couple had spent the last three days with their phones on plane mode, enjoying themselves and forgetting about work, Toni and their families and friends. The first hours were kind of weird but once they realize how good it feels not to be focused on everything around them they like it.

Karlie has done what she promised and let her feelings really sink in, and to be honest, once she does it she stars quickly falling for Taylor. Karlie remembers that the first time they dated, Taylor called her sunshine because the writer saw her as her light. Now Karlie feels the same way about Taylor. The last few years she has tried to have a normal life, to be happy and dating Toni actually helped her to pursue that but it wasn't the same. Toni never made her feel like the most loved girl in the world and Taylor did it pretty easily.

The moment Taylor came back into her life it was like she could breath again, she started questioning everything even her own feelings and that's why she has spent so many months not wanting to let her feelings out like she was doing those days.

Letting Taylor in means that she could be hurt again. She has spent the last year battling with herself trying not to get attached but it was imposible. Taylor has been a charm since they reunite and the days they spent together in Toronto were probably the happiest for Karlie in months. Now she has the chance to embrace their love and she was doing it, forgetting about What was going on back in the states when Toni just released an interview talking about them.

But not everything is so easy, somehow, Karlie's mind is still thinking about the future and her conversation with Cara. She still have a lot to talk about with Taylor and she wants to do it before they go back to their lives. It really seems like Caicos is the perfect place to do it since they are really peaceful and in a good place on their relationship.

On the other side Taylor is fully enjoying the trip. She can't believe that Karlie is finally her old ser again, goofing around and smiling every time they lock eyes. After so many time trying to chase her, it feels like heaven to be able to have a day without an argument. Taylor is aware that they are blocking their real lives but they will have time to deal with it once they are back.

Their days at the island are pretty simple, they woke up late and have breakfasts on their room before going to the beach. They spend there most of the day, since there are a lot of restaurants and not a lot of people to bother them. Once they get tired of sunbathing, karlie and Taylor always come back to their room for a private bath on their pool, which usually ends with them having sex. It's a paradise, it's even better than those days they spent in Toronto. However karlie still has one important thing in her mind she needs to talks about so one morning at the beach, while Taylor I reading book using Karlie's stomach as a pillow, the actress decides it's time for them to be real.

-Can we talk?- Karlie asks breaking the silence.

-Sure- Taylor accepts placing her book aside.

-I mean talk talk- Karlie says suddenly getting nervous.

-What do you mean?- Taylor asks sitting to look at her properly.

-I mean like real adults that really wants to make this relationship work- Karlie explains.

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