Chapter 8

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I hear a honk come from outside and jump up, slipping on my shoes, "Alright, I'm going!" I scream to whoever is in the house listening.

Joey waves from the drivers seat, still buckled in.

Opening the door myself, I shuffle into the passenger seat, "Hey."

"Hey, you ready?" He eyes my outfit and I quickly look down at my skinny jeans and maroon long sleeve.

"Um yeah."

He nods and pulls out of the driveway.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask, checking my phone, avoiding the awkward silence.

He grins, "Well, as you know, I'm a 'go with the flow' type of guy, so where better to have a first date than at the movies?"

The sentence is ignored and all my brain seems to be stuck on is the word date. He smirks, "You okay? You look a little shocked."

"Sorry, I'm fine, I just- I thought I heard you say date."

He laughs, "You heard right. I guess you could say this is to make up for all the horrible things I did to you when we were small."

I can't help but smile, "That doesn't bring back my video game."

"But it can bring back some chemistry." He shoots back quickly.

If I'm being honest, I'm kind of liking where this is going.

"Maybe." I tease, as he pulls up in front of the movie theater.

I push open the car door, shutting it behind me, and meet up with him in the front, "I hope you like comedy."

I scoff, "I am the definition of comedy."

He rolls his eyes playfully and I walk into the building behind him.

"You like popcorn, right?"

I raise my eyebrows as if that's a question and he chuckles, "Pepsi is cool with you?"

I nod, wishing he had asked what I like, but the point is he's trying and I appreciate that. He's doing what most would think is romantic, and taking charge.

"Oh shit," I whisper, using him as a shield.

Joey gives me a weird look and slowly slides the cash onto the counter, "Is something wrong...?"

My heart pounds at the sight in front of me and I fumble to grab my phone, "I know them."

Me: El, wtf, I thought u were keeping him away?????

I watch as Ellie grabs her phone from her pocket and reads the text. I know it's the text I sent her because her head snaps up and she examines the space around her, obviously trying to find me.

Baymax: Where are u?

Me: Getting popcorn. To ur left.

Her head quickly whips into my direction, giving a look as if she's a deer caught in headlights.

"Why don't we go say hi?" Joey smiles, holding onto the bag of popcorn.

"What, no, I mean-"

He begins walking in their direction and Ellie catches on, grabbing Jaxon's arm and spinning him in the opposite direction.

"Hey Brooklyn!" Tiffany squeals, waving rapidly as if I can't see her.

Almost instantly, Jaxon's head snaps towards her voice, following her eyes to me.

"Hey Tiff," I manage to spit out as she unexpectedly envelopes me in a hug.

Jaxon and Ellie make their way to us and Joey shakes Tiffany's hand, "This is Joey."

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