Chapter 26

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~One week later~

I roll the hose back up, proud that I'm finally finished washing the car. It was almost an all morning task, but I did it.


I give a double glance before seeing Jaxon's figure appear at the end of my driveway.

"Oh my-" I run up to him, and he grins big, holding his arms out.

Without hesitation, I jump on him, wrapping my legs around him giving him a tight hug. To be honest, I thought just jumping on him would make him fall over, but he was prepared. In return he tightens his arms around me.

"I missed you." He kisses my head, loosening his grip.

I slowly do the same, standing on my own, and look away playfully, "I wish I could say the same."

He shakes his head slightly before opening his arms wide, "You're really just going to make me stand here, not even a kiss?"

I shrug, trying to keep a straight face.

He places his thumb on one of my cheeks and his fingers on the other, squeezing my lips softly into a fish face.
"If you're not going to kiss me, I'll just kiss you." He gives me a quick kiss, before letting go of my cheeks.

"Okay, yes, I missed you too. What are you doing back?"

"The truth?" He asks keeping eye contact.

I nod.

"They found out who the person was following me. Cops are on his back, so I was safe to go for a bit."

"Well, who is it?" I raise my eyebrows and he shakes his head.

"I think it's better if you don't know."

"Why not?" I whine out, tilting my head to the side.

He laughs and stuffs his hands in his pockets, "Because Brooklyn, because I said so."

I pout and he smiles, "I do have a secret I can tell you though," I stop my pout face and give a smile.

"I love you."

I playfully push his shoulder and he lets out a laugh.

"That's not a secret," I start, yet I'm interrupted.

"Hey beautiful!"

I glance over his shoulder to see Joey smirking.

Jaxon doesn't turn around, instead whispers, "Whatever happens, I love you,"

I lower my eyebrows and he kisses my forehead, "And I'm okay with you moving on."

"Awe you didn't tell her, did you?"

He closes his eyes before turning around with his hands up, "Just don't hurt her."

"Everyone thought my uncle was crazy, but no, he was in love," Joey paces at the end of my driveway and I glance at Jaxon.

"He wasn't in love with my mom, and you're not in love with Brooklyn. It's jealously,"

"Shut up." Joey shakes his head and fiddles with his fingers.

"Joey, you don't need money to impress. I didn't, my dad didn't-"

"Shut up!" He pulls out a gun and without hesitation pulls the trigger in Jaxon's direction.

Like I said, moments, good or bad, come and go quickly yet in slow motion. You never really know what you have until it's passed.

His shoulder pounds against mine before stumbling onto the ground.

Right there it feels like I could throw up. My heart climbs into my throat and I fall to my knees, placing my hands over his chest, "What'd you do?" I scream, feeling myself beginning to sweat.

"It's just you and I now," Joey smiles content, getting closer.

I keep my jaw clenched, tears forming.

Without a second thought, I grab the gun from his hand and stand up, pointing it in his direction.

"Woah, okay," he smirks, putting his hands up.

I slightly shake, Jaxon's blood from my hands smearing the trigger.

"Sweetheart, do you even know how to work a gun?"

I fiddle around with it quickly, hearing a click, and assume it's ready to be shot.

"Fast learner. That's adorable."

I try to calm my shaking hand, getting a good aim.

"Put it down!"

I've been so stuck in my own thoughts that I haven't noticed the cop cars and ambulance now surrounding the area.

"You don't want to do this." The voice booms in my ears.

I watch as Joey gets handcuffs before sending me a wink.

I turn my attention to Jaxon, now getting attention from a crowd of medics.

One shakes their head and they begin carrying him.

The gun slowly drops out of my hands and my parents are instantly by my side.

"Wait!" I scream, as my dad grabs my arm, "Wait! You can't take him!" If the neighbors weren't out already, they were now. My scream at this point could make someone's ears bleed.
My throat scratches and I ignore the snot dripping down to my lips.

"Sweetie..." My mom starts.

I try calming down, yet cough every time I try inhaling.

Ellie's car speeds from down the street, parking right behind the ambulance that drives away.

She slams the door, running straight up to me and pulls me into a hug, making my parents loosen their grip.

I let my weight collapse on her, losing any energy I had left.

"Hey, hey, look at me," she places my face in her hands and I watch her eyes tear up, "It's going to be okay."

She quickly pulls a tissue from out of her pocket and wipes in across my nose, "Let's get you inside."

I shake my head, feeling my lips tremble, not being able to speak.

"Brooklyn, I know-"

"No you don't!" I scream getting in her face, which makes her back up a bit. I pull at the roots of my hair, trying to focus on one thing.

"I'm sorry." I whisper wiping my arm across my brows.

"I know." She pulls me back into a hug and I rest my head on her shoulder, "I know."

She didn't. She says she did, but she didn't. She didn't feel her heart forcefully get pulled out of her chest. She didn't watch someone she was close to fall to the ground, covered in their own blood in front of her. She didn't know. She tried to, but didn't. I guess the only thing I could do was force myself to believe that she did know how it felt. I had no other choice. She was one of the only people I had left that might actually be able to keep me hoping there was still good left. She knew me inside out and if she says it's going to be okay, I believe her.

No matter what happened, she never left my side. This is basically what it was like for the next few days.
She kept me grounded, slowly brought me back when I started drifting away in my own thoughts, stayed by me no matter how many times I woke up with tears running down my face.
If there's one thing I learned, everybody needs an Ellie.

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