Chapter 7

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As always, I continue making bad choices in life and end up going to bed at three in the morning. To be honest, I blame all social media and the internet. I guess this explains why I was annoyed by a nine year old entering my room at eleven in the morning.

"Brooklyn! Brooke! Brooklynnnnn!"

I groan and pull my covers over my face, rolling to the other side. Feet shuffle across my floor and I hear them exit my room.


A couple seconds later, I hear heavier footsteps make their way in, and I keep the covers pulled over my head, hoping they think I died and leave me be.

Instead, I feel the bed sink next to me, feeling the presence of someone sitting on the edge.

"Butterfly, you got to get up." I hear a soft voice whisper, gently tugging at the cover over my face.

"No." I sternly say, rolling to the other side.

"Do not make me come to the other side."

I continue rolling, as if it's going to get me so far away, and begin to lose support on most of my body. Before my brain can process it, my reflexes aren't as quick as I hoped and I end up rolling onto the floor, bundled in covers.

I slowly open my eyes to see a tall figure hovering over me, "Good morning sunshine!" He smiles, and pulls the blinds open, having the sun peak into my room.

"How dare you." I groan, keeping my comforter wrapped around my body, dragging myself across my room and down the stairs.

He follows behind as I enter the kitchen.

"Oh, look who's finally up," my mom teases, setting a batch of cookies in a platter, decorated with paper doilies.

"Told you only I could get her up." Jaxon smirks, setting a hand on my shoulder.

I narrow my eyes and scrunch my nose, "If you don't get your hand off me, I will drop kick you right here, right now."

Stacey slices a piece of chocolate cake and places it in front of me with a fork, "Sweetie, have a seat, eat a piece of cake, don't mind Jaxon."

I smile at how sweet his mom is, and slide into a seat, leaning against the bar, "Thank you."

She then slides a glass of lemonade towards me, which I happily take, "Your mom told me it's your favourite beverage so I made sure to stock up on some for you." 

I take a sip, "See, this is why we get along."

Jaxon reaches for a piece, but gets his hand slapped. I grin innocently in his direction and stuff a forkful of cake in my mouth.

"Shut up," he mumbles, leaving the kitchen.

"Party starts in an hour, go get dressed." My mom hurries me and I begin to eat even slower.

Stacey scoffs and motions me to continue eating, "Leave her alone, she has time."

She was wrong.

"Come on Brooklyn! We need help bringing these desserts out."

I pin my hair back and grab my phone from off my desk, "I'm coming!"

I look to my doorway, to see Jaxon leaning against the frame.

"Can I help you?" I ask, checking my phone.

"Actually yes," he lifts himself from his weight, "Could you possibly get ready quicker so you can help me bring platters out?"

I sigh and walk towards my door, "I don't see why you can't do it yourself since apparently you've been going to the gym and got all these big muscles." I say in the most sarcastic tone I can.

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