Chapter 19

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Sorta sick right now so I though why not post another chapter? :)
-Nikki xx

Apparently my parents have no issue in sending their only daughter out into the wilderness for a weekend because here I sit, in Jaxon's car on my way to Tommy's.

It's been two days since I had the flu, but thankfully I'm back on my feet. We've been on the road for about two hours now and let me tell you it hasn't been easy being stuffed in a car with Jaxon for so long.

"I think I can beat my record this time." He grins.

"Oh Jaxon, please don't!" I groan, giving a disgusted face.

He lets out a loud fart and laughs as I roll down the window, "You're disgusting."

"All humans do it," he continues laughing.

I scoff, "I can't believe Tommy puts up with this."

He shrugs, "I can't either to be fair, but you're putting up with it so I guess it can't be that bad."

I playfully pretend to inhale heavily through the window, "it is bad."

Since there was some traffic, we arrive twenty minutes later. The sky is now dark and my eyes are heavy from lack of sleep.
We left kind of late since our parents made us dinner before leaving.

"You ready?"

I look up at the apartment, "Ready or not, my bladder can't handle it anymore."

I push open the door and slam it behind me, running to the front.

He texts Tommy and the doors unlock. I follow him to the room doors and he motions for me to knock.

I do a double knock and step back next to him.

The door opens and I'm faced with the same face shown in pictures.

"Brooklyn, right?" Tommy smiles, stepping aside, "I've heard so much about you."

I raise an eyebrow and glance at Jaxon, "All good I hope?"

"Let's just say I've heard enough to want to meet you," he winks in Jaxon's direction and shuts the door.

"Did I mention the annoying part where she has to pee twenty four seven?"

I narrow my eyes and Tommy chuckles, "Down the hall, last door on the right."

"Thanks." I smile embarrassed, shuffling down the hall.

I hear them mumbling to one another as I close the bathroom door. For living alone, his bathroom is surprisingly tidy. His counter is full of cologne and shaving cream; normal male products, yet they're all neatly piled together.

It's when I walk back out, when I notice that there's only one guest room.

When I enter the living room, Tommy's sitting in a chair, leaving an empty couch and Jaxon on his own couch.

I glance at the empty couch and they both turn to me.

"What, do I have cooties?" Jaxon sarcastically says, referring to the empty spot next to him.

"Who knows what you have," I sass back, sitting next to him anyways.

Tommy examines us and smirks, "I like you Brooklyn, you're a good egg."

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