Chapter 23

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When we convince the doctors we're fine enough to leave, we change back into our casual clothing and take a walk in the park.

He rambles on, not wanting to keep eye contact with me.
We sit on a bench and he finishes, sitting up straight.

"So yeah." He rubs his sweaty palms down his thighs and glances up at me through his lashes, giving me a half smile.

"Wait, wait, wait," I stare at him and keep my mouth slightly opened, "Your family's rich? Like really rich? Oh my god, this explains everything. This is why you never worry about money."

"Technically it's not mine yet until tomorrow." He smirks, eyeing me with squinted eyes from the sun.

"Tomorrow? I thought you had to be eighteen until-"
He watches me figure it out and I can see he's trying not to laugh.

"Your birthday's tomorrow?"

He shrugs innocently, his smirk turning into a shy smile which makes me feel a weird and fuzzy feeling inside.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I drag out high pitched, hitting his arm gently.

He chuckles, "It's not a big deal, plus it shouldn't be celebrated. It means the target on my back only gets bigger."

"And what happens when there's no more target on your back?"

"Well hopefully someone catches this person before they kill me. If not, I won't be able to protect Juliet."

"You left all the money in her name if something were to happen to you?" I ask, pushing a piece of hair out of my face.

"I know, it's a stupid idea, but she's the only family I have left that hasn't disowned me."

"Is that why they all left? Because of the money issue?"

The sun makes his eyes sparkle and he forces a smile, "Pretty fucked up isn't it?"

I scoff and softly shake my head in disbelief. His own family.

"So your parents know about this? That there's someone after you or whatever?"

He takes a deep breath, "Yeah, and honestly, they've been supportive of the whole thing. You'd think that after being a hard child to care for, for the first couple months, and hearing my story afterwards that they'd take me back, but they've just been so calm and patient with me."

I examine his expression and he automatically gives a smile, blushing lightly, "What?"

"What?" I ask back, not knowing why I'm looking at him.

"I don't know, you're staring at me and it's making me nervous."

As if I couldn't tell from your cheeks turning bright pink.

"I'll race you to the swings."

He raises an eyebrow and I mimic his face, glancing at the swings.

"Winner gets to choose the losers punishment!" I scream, getting up and darting towards them.

"First of all, not fair, and secondly-"

"Stop making excuses!"

I feel arms wrap around my waist and get pulled back, "Hey, okay, now who's not being fair?"

In attempt to wiggle out, I trip over his shoe. He keeps his grasp, trying to stop the fall, but ends up making it worse.

I laugh loud and see him hovering over me, "Oh hello."

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