Chapter 13

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Happy Saturday! Let me know what you guys think about the p.o.v change! :)
-Nikki xx

Jaxon's P.O.V

Considering I'm only staying for about a week, Tommy's letting me crash at his place. I only see him once in a blue moon, but getting to stay with him for the week is like having a brother.

It's about three days after we catch up, that we finally get a moment of silence.

I'm sitting on one couch scrolling through my phone, while he sits on the other, aggressively playing a video game.

"You sure you don't want to play?" He asks, glancing my way before bringing his eyes back to the screen.

"Nah, I'm good."

He looks over and slows down from the aggressive clicking, "Oh come on, whatever you're doing on there can't be more entertaining than letting me kick your ass in a game."

I give a slight smile, keeping my eyes on my phone. My thumbs hover over Brooklyn's name in my texts and I bite my lip wondering how to start. I haven't talked to her since the night I left and she hasn't made an effort to get into contact with me. I bet I haven't crossed her mind since I left, keeping in mind that she still has Joey to be completely head over heels for.

"Ah, it's that girl."

I scoff and go back to my home screen without sending anything, "How would you know that?"

He smirks in my direction, "Let me tell you something, I've seen you with Ashley, I know that look."

"She's nothing like Ashley," I say quite offended he would compare Brooklyn to her.

"Oh, I can tell. With Ashley, you only ever had that look when she was around. So you admit it is that girl?" He raises an eyebrow and I shrug, feeling weird about him bringing it up. "What's her name again?"

I finally crack a smile and lean back on the couch, "Brooklyn."

He puts down his controller and leans forward becoming more interested, "Tell me more, what does she look like?"

I run a hand through my hair and shake my head, "It's not just how she looks, it's her personality. Her laugh, the way she says my name," I smile to myself, "And she is such a sarcastic little shit, it's great." I look up to notice him grinning back.

"Where can I find myself a Brooklyn?" He teases.

"Shut up," I say embarrassed.

He leans his elbows on his thighs, "So why aren't you guys a thing?"

My smile fades and I look down at my feet, "She's fallen for someone else."

His expression reflects mine, "Jeez. I'm sorry man. How can she do better than you?" He says, trying to lift my spirits.

"That guy I was telling you about that she hung out with as a kid. Apparently they have history and felt the need to catch up." I glance up and give a half smile.

"Hey, but history isn't always as good as connection."

I shrug and force the half smile again, "I don't know. I guess she felt something stronger with him." I take a deep breath, becoming aggravated, "There's something about him that pisses me off. I can't put my finger on it, but there's just something about him. Brooklyn can do so much better, you know?"

He chuckles, trying to loosen the tension, "Could the thing that pisses you off about him be that he's with Brooklyn and you're not?"

I crack a smile, "No Tommy, it's not what he has that I don't, it's something about him."

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