Chapter 10

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"You want to know about it don't you?" He asks, parking the car in his driveway.

I turn to him confused, "Know about what?"

"What happened."

I really do to be honest, but I wasn't going to force it on him. Something like that can be hard to talk about and I don't want him to do anything he's not comfortable with.

"Yeah, I'm curious, but if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." I say, hoping to make him feel a bit better.

"It was a week before my twelfth birthday.."


"Okay, but when you open it, you have to act surprised." My mom places her hands on her hips, looking down at me with a smile.

I jump in my spot, closing the toys magazine that sits in front of me. My first remote control race car. I can already picture myself zooming it around the house. I'll bring it to school and show all my friends, then we can race them in the backyard. This was going to be the best birthday ever!

"This is going to be so cool!" I say in the most excited voice I can, balling my fists at my side.

I was turning twelve and didn't ask for much, a remote control car was a big step for me.

"Any acting up in the next week and the car goes back." My dad threatens, raising his eyebrows towards me.

I put a hand to my forehead, quickly saluting him, "No acting up, I promise!"

"And being nice to your sister too."

I bring my attention to the grinning four year old and sigh, "Fine."

They both exchange a look, "Was that attitude I heard?" My mom teases.

"I think it was." My dad plays along and I quickly gasp, "No, no, I'm sorry, I love you!" I hug them both and they laugh, "Alright, go get your coat on."

I pull the biggest grin I can and dart down the stairs, slipping into my coat with no struggle.

My mom unlocks the front door and begins tying her shoes, "Go get your sister."

I bolt up the stairs and into my sisters room where she sits on the floor, looking up at me. I grab the first pair of shoes I see and plop down next to her, helping put them on her feet, "Come on Juliet! Why do you not have your shoes on yet!" I groan loudly when I realize I placed it on the wrong foot, and forcefully toss it aside, grabbing the other shoe.

Tightening the velcro on her shoes is where it all went downhill for me.

My head snaps up at the sound of the front door slam, and my heart begins to race when I hear the high pitch scream of my mom.

"We'll do whatever you want, please." My dads voice booms from the bottom of the stairs.

My body begins to shake and sense something's wrong. A tingly feeling runs through me, and I shut my sisters room light, carrying her with all my might into the closet.

She tries to talk, but I shove a stuffed animal into her arms, attempting to quiet her down. She sits in my folded lap, and I try to stay concentrated on my breathing.

I squeeze my eyes shut, listening to the struggle my mom is having to find air.

"We don't have any money!" I hear my dad scream.

"A big house like this and no money?" The unknown voice scoffs.

A loud gun shot makes me shake as ringing fills my ears. Juliet jumps in my arms, beginning to tear up from the loud noise.

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